Crew MW have had a lovely week exploring all things Easter! We’ve talked about the Christian celebrations for easter and the story behind this, we’ve looked at how plants grow and change and how during the spring time, lots of new baby animals are born such as chicks and lambs! We’ve really enjoyed exploring spring and Easter in our adult led lessons and during provision.

Our Easter celebrations continued throughout the week with our Easter bonnet parade on Wednesday! Once we had shown off all of our fantastic bonnets, we worked as a crew to vote for our favourites. Take a look at our fantastic creations…

Finally, we ended the half term with a visit from the Easter Bunny! He’d left lots of clues around school for an Easter egg hunt! We worked really hard as a crew to find the clues and to answer them. The last thing to do this half term was to celebrate Miss McGlone’s Birthday! Happy Birthday Miss McGlone! What a busy half term it has been!