Bear sandwiches in Crew Nursery!

The children have made their own bear sandwiches today using bananas and chocolate spread. They first had to spread the chocolate using the knife and then cut the banana into three pieces to create a bears face. We counted 2 pieces of banana for the bears eyes and 1 piece of banana for the bears nose. The children then enjoyed their creations. They were very tasty!

Ipad Scheme

Dear Parent/Carer

Due to additional demand from families wishing to take advantage of the iPad scheme we have temporarily reopened the portal. This is only for pupils in KS2.

The scheme window is small and is open now with a closing date of Sunday 13th November at 10pm.

Please use the link below if you wish to apply.

Non Uniform Day

I know we have only just finished with Halloween, and some people may not be ready for this just yet…. but Christmas preparations have now begun here at Carcroft School! Christmas will soon be upon us and with that in mind we need to begin our Christmas Fayre prep ASAP. So, this Friday 4th November, children are invited into school in non-uniform but in return, we are asking for donations for our tombola stall and Carcroft famous bottle stall ie: toiletries, shampoo, bubble bath, bottles of water, bottles of juice etc

We can’t wait to get our Christmas Fayre back up and running as we know how much our children and families love it. Thank you in advance for anything you can donate, we really do appreciate your support. 


Your child should have brought home before the half term their proof photographs. If you would like to purchase them please can payments be returned by Wednesday 2nd November.

Thank you.

Crew Ferguson Autumn scavenger hunt!

The children in nursery today were set a challenge to collect and see lots of objects linking to Autumn. We worked as a crew to collect leaves, twigs, conkers and feathers. We saw puddles, wriggly worms and even spiders webs! We had to be be kind to the animals and our woodland environment. The children loved exploring and wanted to bring everything they could see back inside to explore further.

Exploring the outdoors in Early Years

As we move into Autumn and Winter, we are really loving exploring the outdoors in our EYFS crews! We’d love it even more if we were allowed to jump in the puddles, make mud pies and explore the water area…but to do this, we need the right clothes! Please can you send us with our wellies and waterproofs so that we can explore our outdoor environments while also keeping our uniforms clean – your washing machines will thank you for it!

No Smoking

Please can we remind parents that we are a smoke free zone. This means that smoking, including e-cigarettes, are not permitted on any areas of the school premises including the playgrounds and car park.

Crew Welburn’s Exciting Expedition

Crew Welburn had an exciting week in expedition last week – we’d had a visitor in our classroom! The visitor had left some footprints leading around the room, which we used to draw a map, and he’d even been caught on the cameras! It was very exciting and we spent lots of time searching the classroom to see if he was still there!