For today’s RE lesson we looked at a story called, ‘The Monkey King’. A story told by Buddhists about how to show care to others. We learnt how initially the Monkey King was selfish and didn’t want to share his mangoes with the other monkeys because they tasted too good! But then when the Human King caught one and wanted more and was willing to kill the monkey tribe for them, the Monkey King knew he had to make a sacrifice! He quickly used his body as a bridge and let the other monkeys climb over him to get across the river to safety. The Human King saw this kind action and recused the Monkey King for being so kind and let all of the other monkeys live. They then all shared the tropical fruit together. We all learnt a lot from this story, especially how to be kind to others and why being kind and caring is so important. We thought about questions that we might ask the Monkey King such as, why did you decide to help your tribe? Did your feet hurt? Did you think you were going to die? etc. We also thought about the different characters feelings at different points in the story. At the end of the lesson we shared some of the sacrifices that we have made for others.
What do we know about Jesus?
As part of RE this week, we have started to think about what we know about Jesus. We looked at who he was, what he did (including his main life events) and why he is so important to Christians. Lots of us could remember that he was born in Bethlehem and that the celebration of Christmas celebrates his birth. From the lesson we learnt that he was a great teacher (he taught people about God’s love), he had 12 special friends (his disciples), died on the cross (for his people) and rose from the dead. We also learnt that he was kind and caring and helped many people.
Reflective RE session
Over the course of our RE lessons, we have been looking at the guiding question “Why do people pray”. We have learnt lots about Christians, Muslims and Hindus and really wanted to be reflective about why people pray. We created our own questionnaire which we then asked other Year 3 and 4 children and adults. We found that not a lot of children are religious and pray but most thought it would be beneficial if they did.
RE in Crew Robson
In RE, we discussed the story of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and the guest. We discussed what was important about the story and what a sacrifice was. Then, we renacted the story in small groups including the key people and scenarios.
RE in Crew Marsh
In RE, we discussed the story of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and the guest. We discussed what was important about the story and what a sacrifice was. Then, we renacted the story in small groups including the key people and scenarios.
Christian Prayer
We have really enjoyed our RE lesson today as we were able to have some great discussions and challenge our own views.
We looked at a range of Christian prayers and discussed what we thought they meant. We learned that Christians don’t have any set practices for when they pray and compared this to Islam prayers.
As a crew we discussed our beliefs about God and how important it is to follow our beliefs and respect the beliefs of others.
During discussions, it became that some children were unfamiliar with well known bible stories so we have decided we will end some lessons with a bible story to further develop our knowledge.
Islamic Prayer
In Re, we learned about the prayer practice of Islam. These are Wudu, facing Makkah, preparing the mind, praying solo or with others and finally recording set words. We discussed each practice and why this was important for prayer. It was great to see the children asking questions to help their understanding. We used the Islamic prayer to highlight words that described Allah. We linked this to our British Values and how we should show respect and tolerance to others with different religious beliefs to our own.
RE continues in Crew MI
What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?
We started this lesson by discussing the importance Shahdah which forms one of the five pillars of Islam. We then discussed the five pillars of Islam in detail and the differences between them. After that, we discussed our own values and beliefs. Finally, we read the story of Bilal and considered what mattered to him.
Diverse Doncaster – Exploring Christianity
This week Crew Robson have loved starting their first case study all about Christianity.
To begin with we explored what historians are and how they use primary and secondary sources to find out information about that past. We learnt that photographs, weapons and clothes are primary sources whereas newspapers and documentaries are secondary sources.
We then looked closer at what religion is.
Did you know…
In Doncaster, half of the population are Christians (51%)
Christianity is the largest religious group. This is 156,747 people
For our next two lessons we explored why God is important to Christians and what they believe God is like. We have had some fantastic discussions and I have been amazed by the questions they have been asking.
RE in Crew MI
What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?
We started the lesson by thinking about what a person might encounter throughout their life and made a list of the top five most important things that would support us through this journey. We then linked this to the five pillars of Islam as they provide structure for Islamic daily spiritual life. We discussed the five pillars of Islam in great detail and watched a clip which showed us what these were and how they affect a Muslim.