
This week we have been exploring fractions, we have used many manipulative to secure our understanding and on Friday, it got a whole lot tastier! We used parts of a pizza to understand denominators. When we divided our pizza into equal slices, we could visualise that each slice represented a fraction of the whole pizza. Who knew math could be so delicious?

Maths in MI

Magic maths allowed us to consolidate our learning on measure where we converted between units before ordering from shortest to longest. The main part of our maths lesson looked at using bar models to find equivalent fractions. We all then moved onto some reasoning and problem solving questions. The problems today proved to be really challenging however children showed great resilience, supporting each other to talk through the problems and showing their working out with a bar model. Great collaborative working MI 🙂

Maths in MI

Today our magic maths consolidated our knowledge on factors and we also explored tally charts. The activate for our main maths lesson was a recap on equivalent fractions. This really challenged our thinking and there was a lot of great collaborative working where children we really explaining their thought process and how they got their answers. We then moved onto looking at fractions on a number line which we will continue to explore in our next maths lesson.

Working on reading pace

LT: To read with increasing speed

Y5 had a challenge to read and understand a short text in under 60 seconds, then they had 4 questions to read and record their answer within 3 minutes. We had great discussions around unknown vocabulary and how to unpick what the unfamiliar words might mean.