Crew MW – Maths

In maths we have been discussing 2D and 3D shapes. We talked about the difference and how 2D shapes are flat, and 3D shapes are solid. We were introduced to the names of some 3D shapes and tried really hard to remember what they were!

We then worked as a group to sort out a selection of shapes into 2D shapes and 3D shapes. Some of us showed a great level of understanding by explaining the reasons why they had chosen whether a shape was 2D or 3D.

Crew MW – Maths

In maths we have been looking at odd and even numbers. We looked at how even numbers would always show pairs, and each part would have a matching partner. However, odd numbers did not have a matching partner for every part, meaning there was an odd one on its own.

We then tried to guess whether the numicon piece in the mystery bag was an odd or an even number by feeling whether it had a completely flat top meaning that it was an even number as every part had a matching partner or whether it had a bump on the top meaning that it was an odd number as not every part had a matching partner.

Adding money in MI

Today we continued with our maths block on money. We used our knowledge of pounds and pence to support our do now activity and also in our main maths lesson. We looked at how we add money amounts together thinking about the appropriate method. Is this written or mental? We thought about where the decimal point is and where our numbers need to go when using a written method. I praise the collaborative working in MI today, some great supportive partners 🙂

Crew MW – Maths (exploring length)

To explore length, we used different sizes of ribbon to talk about which we thought was the shortest, and which was the longest and why. We worked as a group to talk about the longest and the shortest and then looked at where the remaining ribbons would go based on how long they were.

We then used the small world blocks to create our own village. We then had to use multi-link cubes to work out who had the longest and shortest journey to ‘school’.

Making numbers to 10

This afternoon, we have looked at making numbers to 10. We started by selecting a number from the magic bag, and then choosing two representations from the pile of tens frames. We counted up all of the counters on the representations to see how many we had altogether and to see if we had made the magic number or not. After that, we made dominoes using our play dough and beads. We talked about how many were in each part and how many altogether.