Analogue to Digital

Following our success with reading time on an analogue clock, Crew Hamill moved on to look at digital clocks. We discussed how we could find these in lots of places – on some watches, our phones, microwaves, ovens… We then looked at how to read a digital clock properly and what each of the digits means. Following this, we used our new knowledge to correctly match analogue clocks to digital clocks as well as the time in words.


In our arithmetic session today, Crew Hamill have been focusing on one of our gaps in learning that we identified from last week’s arithmetic test. We looked at multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers and recapped how to do this using the column method. Some of us even moved on to 3 digit by 1 digit!

Telling the Time – 5 minute intervals

Today, Crew Hamill pushed their learning of time to the next level by focusing on the 5 minute intervals on an analogue clock. We practised our 5 times tables to ensure we were secure in counting in 5s and then repeated this up to 60 as there are 60 minutes in an hour. We focused on the blue hand being our minute hand and the red hand being our hour hand and used this to show different times using the 5 minute intervals.

Telling The Time

Crew Hamill began their new maths unit yesterday, focusing on telling the time! To get us started, we did some practical work looking at o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We began by discussing what an analogue clock is and where we might see them in every day life. We then looked at the different hands and what each of them represented. Following this, we used our individual clocks to show different times. We began with o’clock times, understanding that the minute hand will always be on the 12. Then we looked at half past, with the minute hand being on the 6, half way around the clock. To end the lesson, we pushed ourselves to look at quarter past and quarter to.

Arithmetic Gaps

This afternoon, we have done some whiteboard word on some gaps in our arithmetic which are few and far between. We’ve been revisiting ones where we have made a minor error in the calculation rather than not knowing how to do it. We will continue revising different questions types until we’ve completed our assessments in week 3.