Learning all about the number 1!

In Crew McGlone we have been looking at the number 1. We looked at what it looks like as a digit, we showed it on our fingers, we subitised, AND we investigated what it might look like on a 5 frame! We talked about the fact that it did not matter where the counter was placed on the 5 frame, as long as there was only 1 counter then it would show the number 1. We noticed that number 1 is always by itself! We worked with a partner to show the number 1 on a 5 frame and on our fingers.

We consolidated our learning by trying to find the correct cup that had only 1 counter underneath it. Miss McGlone tried to trick us by mixing the cups up but we all worked really hard to work out which cups had 1 counter underneath and which cups did not have 1 underneath. We knew if it was 1 because the counter was by itself!

Money Money Money

Before starting our money unit in maths, we had the opportunity to play with the money so we’d feel more confident recognising the coins. While working with our partner, we gave them an amount of money and they had to count how much they had. This encouraged us to count in multiples of 1,2,5,10,20 and 50 supporting our understanding of place value.

Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000

To help us understand what happens to numbers when we multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000, we became a human number. We looked at columns and were introduced to the decimal point. Ellie-May was a great decimal point and took her role very seriously, making sure she didn’t move! We then looked at what would happen to our number if we multiplied or divided by 10, 100 and 1000 and how our number would move one, two or three places on our place value chart.

Roman numerals…

Today in Crew MI, we enjoyed learning about roman numerals. We decided it was like trying to crack a code. We learnt that different letters meant different symbols and we had to put them in the right order to create our numbers. We then put this into practise a completed a task on my maths.

Rounding to the nearest 1000

Crew Hamill have worked really hard this week to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and then 1000. We began by identifying the multiple of 10, 100 or 1000 that was before and after our number. For example, if our number was 1235, the thousand before would be 1000 and the thousand after would be 2000. We then had to decide, using a number line to support, which multiple it was closest to and therefore which number we would round it to. We then learned a rounding rhyme to help us solve this more easily:

  • Find the place (which place you are rounding to)
  • Look next door (look at the column to the right)
  • 5 or bigger? +1 more
  • 4 or less? Let it rest