There was some great problem solving today where we found missing sides on a variety of rectilinear shapes then calculated the perimeter.

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There was some great problem solving today where we found missing sides on a variety of rectilinear shapes then calculated the perimeter.
Today we used the text well to find answers in our reading lesson. We used our skimming and scanning skills along with APE to answer questions in our reasons to read. We worked well with our partner searching for clues and backing up our answers with evidence from the text. Our exit ticket allowed us to order events from the story.
We are working hard on our joins 🙂
In Crew Tymon we are learning about animals and we had a lovely surprise that came to visit us! We had lots of fun, we loved stroking them and learning more about them. The donkeys were super friendly and so soft. We didn’t want to leave.
In our expedition lesson (science), we have been learning about grouping animals. We learned (through some reading) that the scientific word for this is taxonomy and that the reason we do this is because we like things to be organised and orderly.
We discussed some ways that animals could be grouped and looked at some examples. Children then had an opportunity to group some animals using a Venn diagram. After this, they were given a larger group of animals where they worked in pairs to decide how they could be grouped. Children were able to show a good understanding of how they could be grouped differently and it was great to see them using language such as vertebrate, invertebrate, mammals, warm blooded or cold blooded. We’re now ready to move on to classification.
We are loving our times table stick!
A fab arithmetic lesson today 🙂 We worked on our timestables, consolidated different question types then worked on our written methods. Our extension allowed us to practice dividing by 10 and 100. A great lesson by all!
Today Crew Hamill made baskets from strips of papers and then added their own finishing touches to them. They practiced their weaving techniques and they even helped the rest of their crew if they got stuck. Fantastic crew work today!
Here’s a selection of beautiful work from across the XP Trust from this week. To read about other stories from across the XP Trust, visit