Today in forest school the children made their own cardboard flower pots. We used our fine motor skills.

Today in forest school the children made their own cardboard flower pots. We used our fine motor skills.
Crew Hamil got to go in the forest area today where we climb tree, played 1,2,3 where are you? , fishy fishy, pac man, sardines and abit of litter picking
Crew Welburn got to explore our forest school area today where they were searching for bugs
Today we went and explored our forest school to see if we could find some bugs. We were super smart and followed all instructions.
Crew Hamill was amazing today in xp outdoors. We did a bit of bug hunting where we found loads of amazing creatures and then we climbed some trees before ending our session with playing a game of 123 where are you?
Crew Godley had so much fun at Scotty’s today! We were taught all about the triangle of requirements for a successful fire heat, oxygen and fuel. He then showed us how to build our own fire pit and how to use a cotton wool ball and a flint to generate a fire. We were all so excited to develop our skills whilst also keeping safe. We then used the skills he taught us to add sticks to the flame to begin building the fire. We can’t wait to build upon our skills next week to see if we can keep it going for longer and build it even bigger.
Crew Hamill had so much fun at Scotty’s yesterday! We were taught all about the triangle of requirements for a successful fire heat, oxygen and fuel. He then showed us how to build our own fire pit and how to use a cotton wool ball and a flint to generate a fire. We all got to have a go using the flint which we found exciting! Although a few of us managed to generate a spark, we weren’t as successful as the leader at getting the fire started – he did it first time, every time! We then used the skills he taught us to add sticks to the flame to begin building the fire. We didn’t manage to keep the fire going for long but we’re hoping to extend our skills next week to see if we can keep it going for longer and build it even bigger.
Today in scotties, the children had to lead each other through the maze while they are blindfolded . Then the played a game of how many cones they could pick up whiles blindfolded.
In our crew session this morning we made a raft out of twigs and pipe cleaners and put a sail in them, ready to see if they float.
On Thursday afternoon, we had some time after lunch doing some litter picking. Even better that we got some additional time in the sunshine. Crew Shields did a great job picking up rubbish as we know it’s everyone’s responsibility to keep our environment clean, tidy and safe.