What a fantastic Scotties session we had on Wednesday! We had to work as a team to take down the opponents base. We had to use our listening skills to wait for the different commands that Charlie gave. 👂🏻👭👬
Well done to Freddie for getting Scotty’s Heroes today.. We are so proud of you!
XP Outdoors
Crew Godley had a little bit of a different challenge today, we ventured out into the forest to see if we could find some dancing stickmen! We had some great ideas and it was lovely to see the children recreating stories with their dancing sticks 💃 🕺
Crew MW explore the local environment!
Crew MW had an exciting walk around our local environment on Friday. We spent our walk looking out for buildings in the village that we recognised, local places that people work and we spotted signs of spring. We had lots of fun exploring!
Crew Haddock loved Scotty’s today and Sharni-Mae was Scotty’s Hero ..Well done Sharni-Mae
Snow much fun! ❄️☃️
We had a lot of fun playing in the snow this week! The smiles say it all!
Bouncy fun
For a special Scottie’s heroes treat, Crew Haddock and Crew Pashley participated in a bouncy obstacle course!
Litter picking! 🗑🚯
During crew this morning, we went out onto the playground to pick up litter. We found lots of litter hiding down drains and behind the container. We really do enjoy keeping our school environment tidy. 🗑
Sliding towards half term…
There was lots of fun had today in our Scotty’s sesson. Children had an inflatable assault course which they tired themselves out on.
Fun day in Scotty’s
Crew Haddock, Crew Pashley and Crew Hamill enjoyed their fun day on the in Scottys today