Carcroft Newsroom!

Welcome to Carcroft Newsroom!

This week, children in Crew Thompson have been writing their own scripts about the recent earthquakes that happened in Turkey and Syria. Today, children had lots of fun performing these in front of the the green screen! I was really impressed with how hard the children worked and how they had lots of courage and determination to perform these. Keep up the fab work!

Click here to watch them!

Teacher Swap! 🧑‍🏫🔄

This afternoon, many of our teachers had the opportunity to swap classes so that they could share some of their favourite stories with another crew! The children absolutely loved having a different teacher, listening to stories and exploring their own imagination! It was lovely to pop into crews and see the real love for reading taking place as well as children’s thirst for reading. The fact that in some crews children were wanting to read more books by particular authors because they enjoyed it so much, and that other children wanted to read the book again or finish it, was fab! Hopefully next year we can do much more of this and maybe we can get some of our grown ups from home to come in too!

Fun in the sun! ☀️

We’ve had lots of fun in the sunshine this week in Crew Welburn! We’ve made slides for dinosaurs, transported water using pipes and funnels, and even splashed our feet in our make shift paddling pools to cool off! The children are really developing their independence, curiosity and team work this week, and are working well together to explore how different things work – it is lovely to stand back and watch them forming strong friendships with each other!

The children have also been enjoying indoor provision, and are still excited by our story, Little Red Riding Hood. We spotted a wolf in school last night, so Leon decided to dress up as the Woodcutter to scare him away, and some of the boy and girls even made up a song to scare him off! We hope he doesn’t come back!

Reading Vocabulary

This morning we played one of our favourite games: Round table.

Each pair has 1 whiteboard and pen between them. They are et a challenge and given 2 minutes to complete it. Sounds easy… think again. During the task the children aren’t allowed to talk to each other and in addition, they need to be using their skimming and scanning skills not only in the text but to ensure they aren’t duplicating answers.

The task today was to use 2 pages of the text to find as many verbs as they could. We have been using these games to consolidate our learning and ensure we are confident with word classes.

The Pebble in My Pocket

Today in Crew Thompson’s reading group, we solved a jigsaw of the front cover of our new book. We found out that the title is The Pebble in My Pocket and the author is Meredith Hooper. Afterwards, we had a fantastic discussion about what the book could be about and had lots of questions after reading the blurb.