This week we’ve been exploring The Tunnel, we LOVE this text and its has provided some great opportunities to develop of speaking and listening skills. We created our own tunnels and acted out the story using small world resources. It also led us into experiences to develop our vocabulary when when Dominic created a tunnel and explained it was ‘camouflaged’ so it was harder to find. He loved sharing his knowledge and understanding with the younger children in our crew.
Crew McLoughlin Love for books
Yesterday, we visited the library for some reading for pleasure time. The children chose their favourite books and enjoyed reading them. We then came back to class and the full class was engaged with our class reader Lottie reading the book Eragon.
The tunnel experience lesson 📖
To hook is into our new writing we looked into our new book – The Tunnel.
We pieced together the book front cover, predicted what might happen, crawled through a tunnel and acted out how the character might be feeling.
MI apply skills in reading
Today we continued to work on the pace of our reading with a 10 minute do now activity to start the lesson. This really pushed us to read the text quickly along with using our skimming and scanning skills to find information quickly. We then moved onto a sats paper where we practised our test technique. We worked on some questions independently then used a demonstration comprehension session for some of the more challenging questions. Tomorrow we will unpick some of the 3 mark questions further using APE to support our answers.
Written comprehension in MI
Today we explored a new text, answering a range of comprehension questions. Some of us even challenged ourselves further by pushing for green standard. A great reading lesson MI 🙂
Reading Champions!
Another week where we have been able to celebrate lots more Reading Champions in school! It was great to see so many children stood up in Achievers Assembly this week being celebrated for their awesome reading at home. It was lovely to see the beaming smiles on children’s faces and to listen to them talk about how proud they felt. Thank you again to those adults at home who are taking the time to listen to their child/ren read very night.
This week we also celebrated the Crews who collectively read the most at home last week. Crew Marsh won it for KS1 and Crew MI for KS2.
Well done to all of our Reading Champions and their amazing adults at home!
Y1 reading cafe! 📖
Reading Champions!
This week we had lots of children who were awarded for reading at home. It is great to see the increase in numbers and how much children are enjoying reading every night at home. BIG thank you to all of those grown ups at home who are spending the time listening to their child/ren read, the benefits are HUGE! After having a peek at some reading records this week it is also great to see the lovely comments from grown ups!
We also celebrated the Crews who have been collectively reading the most at home, Crew Godley won it for Week 2 and Week 3 in KS1 and Crew Boswell for Week 2 and Crew Shields for Week 3 in KS2.
Well done to all of our amazing readers and parents! I wonder if we might have even more Reading Champions later this week?!
Y1 reading cafe
Our favourite time of the week in Y1, is our reading cafe when parents come in and read with us 🥰
Super Story Tellers!
In Crew Welburn, we have been looking at the story of Jack and the Beanstalk! The children have loved using the props to re-tell the story, and have used these alongside the book to draw a story map today. The children used their maps to re-tell the story using some of our new words. I was very impressed with the detail that they could remember! Below you can see some examples of work from Aubree, Penelope and Jasper who were all very proud of their achievements…🌟