Fiction or non fiction?

Today in our book talk reading lesson we looked at the features of fiction and non fictions books. We worked in pairs to group the features and had a fantastic discussion around them. We linked them to previous books we have read and our class shared read.

Pyjamarama Day!

On Friday 16th June 2023 we will be celebrating Pyjamarama! At Carcroft Primary School we really value the importance of reading and we are going to take part in this special day to celebrate the love of books and reading. 

Children will be spending the day reading, enjoying, and sharing stories all in the comfort of their pyjamas, to encourage children to read for pleasure. 

During the school day each crew will participate in a range of exciting activities including sharing their favourite books, listening to other children and staff reading their favourite books, reenacting stories through drama and lots more fun activities! We hope that these will support our drive to maintain, promote and engage our children’s interest in reading. Each Crew Leader will create a blog at the end of the day so that you can all see the exciting things that your child/ren have been getting up to throughout the day! 

As part of this exciting day we are asking for the children (and staff!) to come to school dressed in their pyjamas or comfy clothes! As always please make sure that these are appropriate for the school day. Children are welcome to wear their slippers but we would advise that children bring these in a separate bag and then change into them once inside the school building. 

For this occasion we will not be asking for any donations.

In preparation for the day it would be lovely for you to share some of your favourite stories with your child/ren and also encourage them to share theirs with you, and if they don’t have one maybe discuss what books they love to read or share some books together. 

As part of this day, and in connection with Father’s Day on Sunday 18th June we would like to welcome all male family members into school, such as a dad, grandad, papa, uncle, brother, whoever is important to your child/ren to share a book together. For every crew this will be at 2:30 until the end of the day. We hope to see as many of you there as possible! 

We look forward to seeing your child/ren dressed in their pyjamas for this special celebration! 

Reading continues in MI

Today in our reading lesson we consolidated our learning with an entry ticket. Children had to write a post code home as the main character thinking about his feelings as he arrived at Camp Green Lake. We even tried to include some Y6 writing features! We then read the next part of the text before completing a crossword activity around vocabulary. Finally we worked in mini crews on some book talk questions where we used the text effectively to support our answers. There was some great text marking in MI today which helped us when skimming and scanning for answers.

Reading in MI

Today we have revisited the work we started on the book ’Holes’ We recapped the story so far using a range of strategies to read the text. We thought about who the characters are, what the setting is, the genre of the text and what has happened so far. We then read the next part of the text using a read around the robin, echo read and partner reading. As we read, we noted down any vocabulary we wanted to discuss. We then thought about these words again in context and unpicked their definitions together. From here we looked at a range of questions continuing our book talk session. We linked our questions to the lenses linking about what the questions were asking us. There was some great collaborative working this morning with lots of children voicing their opinions on different parts of the text.


Today, in Crew Pashley, Brianna asked if she could read Roald Dahl’s The Witches to the crew for their after dinner transition task. It was lovely to hear her read and the whole crew were supportive of her reading out loud. They even asked her to read more! We all enjoyed it, especially me!

Carcroft Newsflash! 📰🌍🧑‍🏫

This week in Crew FE we have been writing a broadcasting script about the recent devastating earthquakes in Syria and Turkey, linked to our current Expedition, Earth Shattering Events, What happens when nature strikes? Today the children had the opportunity to perform these in front of a green screen. I was blown away with children’s fluency and expression skills as well as their ability to follow stage directions whilst reading!

Click here to view our performances!

Carcroft Newsroom!

Welcome to Carcroft Newsroom!

This week, children in Crew Thompson have been writing their own scripts about the recent earthquakes that happened in Turkey and Syria. Today, children had lots of fun performing these in front of the the green screen! I was really impressed with how hard the children worked and how they had lots of courage and determination to perform these. Keep up the fab work!

Click here to watch them!

Teacher Swap! 🧑‍🏫🔄

This afternoon, many of our teachers had the opportunity to swap classes so that they could share some of their favourite stories with another crew! The children absolutely loved having a different teacher, listening to stories and exploring their own imagination! It was lovely to pop into crews and see the real love for reading taking place as well as children’s thirst for reading. The fact that in some crews children were wanting to read more books by particular authors because they enjoyed it so much, and that other children wanted to read the book again or finish it, was fab! Hopefully next year we can do much more of this and maybe we can get some of our grown ups from home to come in too!