Roman soldiers handbook 📖

This morning in our reading lesson, we started looking at a new book. First, we completed a jigsaw of the front cover and picked out the title and author. We then discussed the audience, purpose and text type of the book. I was blown away with the children’s knowledge about how we know if a book is non-fiction! We can’t wait to start reading this book and learn lots of facts about what it takes to become a Roman soldier!

Library Visit

Despite it being the first day back, Crew Shields made a visit to the library so that children could get cracking with reading at home. We know the importance of reading regularly to support children with their fluency and understanding. We discuss that I will be checking books on a Friday and recording their reading sessions. Raffles up for grabs for those avid readers.

Library Books 📚

Just a reminder that all library books must be returned to school by tomorrow (Wednesday 19th July) if possible, so that all books can be organised and renewed where needed ready for the Autumn Term.

Unfortunately, there will be a charge for any library books that are not returned.

New book bags and reading records will be given to pupils when they return to school in the Autumn Term.

Many thanks for your continued support around reading this year.

Crew Boswell – Reading Games

We have loved reading Holes in lessons this term. We enjoy developing our reading skills, the story but most of all, we love the games – especially when Mrs. Gilliland and Mr. Boswell join in! Today we played our version of Heads Up where we were given a character from the book and had to guess who they were from just three questions. Do you think you could do it with the next book you read or film you watch?

Excellent Expeditionary Expert Experience! 🧍🏠🌊🌏

Today, Mrs Adams delivered an excellent presentation to all of our LKS2 pupils about her experience of flooding in 2007 when she lived in Bentley. Prior to today’s session we have been learning about flooding in our Expedition lessons as well as The Write Stuff lessons where we are writing a narrative based on the picture book, ‘FLOOD’. Before Mrs Adams shared her story with us, each crew generated a list of questions that we would like to ask to know more, such as: Did you have to leave your home? What impact did it have on your life? How did it affect the area where you lived? Did you lose anything in the flood? etc. We were all blown away with the thoughtful questions that pupils shared. Mrs Adams did a great job of answering all of our questions as well as providing us with lots of extra details and facts. Thank you so much for your time Mrs Adams! 💕 The children got lots from it and it is sure going to help with our Expedition and writing learning next week!