Reading Challenge Winners

Now that we are at the end of another half term, it was time to reveal the winners of our reading challenge. Crew Hamill have worked really hard to move their polar bears across the ocean in order to get them to the safety of the ice berg. This half term, we had two winners:

  1. The person who read the most times at home – Luke Byram.
  2. The person who has shown the greatest improvement in their attitude to learning – Kyla Smith.

Both of our winners received a Herbie Hedgehog reward! Happy Easter 🙂

Demo Comp – Dear Vampire 🧛

Following our book talk for the first half of this week, we spent yesterday completing some demonstration comprehension questions. We watched as Miss Hamill explained how to identify key information within the question which we could then find in the text and read around in order to support us in finding an accurate and specific answer. We then worked in pairs to use these strategies to identify the answers to some further questions about the book.

Book Talk – Dear Vampire 🧛

This week, we focused on our new book – Dear Vampire. We have spent a lot of time making ourselves familiar with the vocabulary within the book to ensure we can read fluently. We made initial predictions on what we thought the story might be about before we read the introduction which gave us a sneak peek. Following this, we predicted what we thought would happen next and were interested to have our first read to see if we were correct. We have delved deep into what the story is actually about within our book talk lessons and answered some retrieval questions using Fastest Finger and some inference questions that have made us think!

Journey to the Arctic 🐻‍❄️ ⛵️

Today we thought about Tom’s Journey to the Arctic. We made origami paper boats and then sailed them across the frozen water in our tough tray. We talked about what Tom would see on his journey and the effects big and small waves would have on his boat. We also talked about the vastness of the ocean and how he might feel lonely on his adventure.  Great work crew, I am looking forward to reading your writing!

Book Talk 📚🐻‍❄️

In our book talk session this morning, we started a new book “Polar Bear”. We began by unpicking the front cover and deciding whether it is a fiction or a non-fiction book. We the chorus read the text while we text marked anything that was important or what we didn’t know/understand. We found lots of important facts in the pages we were reading.

Book Talk – inference! 🔎📚

In our book talk lessons this week, we have focussed on developing our inference skill. We first read the text and text marked anything we didn’t understand and things we found important. We made a class glossary of the words we had picked from the text. Then, we looked at answering some inference based questions whilst skimming and scanning the text.