Today in Crew Haddock we worked together to do a pointillism of a whale and then we used our reading corner. Sharni-Mae really enjoyed reading the book Funny Bones.
Demonstration Comprehension ✍🏻
In reading today, we started by finding the definitions of words that was scattered around the room. We then read the text aloud using a mixture of strategies such as round robin and echo reading. We then looked at our reasons to read. We had lots of fantastic ideas and used the text to help us.
Book talk
In our book talk lessons, we spent some time text marking and ensuring we understood the vocabulary. In the second lesson, we summarised what we’d read on the previous lesson before answering some questions about the text.
Book Talk 📚🗣
In our book talk lessons this week, we have been reading “The Last Bear” by Hannah Gold. We have read the pages of the book and text marked all the important information and unpicked the vocabulary we wasn’t sure of. Crew Thompson are really improving when using the skill reading around the word to unpick the meaning. For example, “skywards” was a word we didn’t understand but when we read around the word and it told us he looked skywards we were able to break it down. We then made a glossary of the key words and wrote the definition.
Reading cafe 📖🤓
We loved having everyone back for reading cafe this week!
Lost and Found 🐧👦experience lesson
We love reading in Crew MI📚
During our reading for pleasure time, we have started a new book ‘Jungle Book’ and we are loving it! Some of us even took it in turns to read the book, making sure we read confidently and with expression. We are excited to see what happens next!
Demo Comp
In reading today, we completed our demo comprehension. This supports us with being able to answer questions by modelling how to skim and scan. Once we had a couple of questions modelled, we had an opportunity to complete similar questions with our partner.
Book Talk – Reasons to Read
At the beginning of the week, we had our book talk lessons where we heavily focused on vocabulary and ensuring we understood the text. Whole reading, we had some questions to get us thinking about the text but to allow us an opportunity to text mark where we could find the answers.
Demonstration Comprehension
Today, we re-read our class text – Wailing Winny’s Carboot Sale – and really honed in on what was happening in the story, pulling apart each part of the text to truly understand the story. Following this, we listened as Miss Hamill demonstrated how she would answer comprehension questions based on what we had read. We worked with her to identify the key information within the question (e.g. key vocabulary) and then identified this on the specified page. We learned that it was extremely important to be specific when pulling our answers out of the text and that when we were finding and copying information, it must be spelt correctly!