We have loved gymnastics club today! The children worked so hard to warm up their body and then learn new shapes using our core.

Personal Development
We have loved gymnastics club today! The children worked so hard to warm up their body and then learn new shapes using our core.
This week, we have been discussing the qualities that make us a good friend. Children shared with their peers how they were good friends to others. Lovely to hear them saying they are helpful, kind, thoughtful and considerate towards others.
This morning in Crew Haddock, We used our Listening and communication skills to followed and give Lego instructions to build Lego models.
Thank you to Frankie who brought in her Brownie sash this week. She explained to us the badges she has achieved and what she had to do to receive them. She should be very proud of herself. 😊
This morning it was time to reflect on the presentation in our maths books. We discovered some positives but unfortunately this isn’t consistent across all books. We will be really thinking about presentation after half term to ensure we can see improvement.
Massive well done to the children that attended the football tournament at Campsmount yesterday afternoon. Despite it pouring rain on us all afternoon, the children gave it 100% effort. Even though we didn’t win, we have discussed the importance of taking part and trying our best.
Today was sadly our last cooking club, but we have ended with a delicious sounding recipe – jam donut muffins!! Hope you all enjoyed them!
This week we have been looking at how sound effects are made for cartoons and films. We talked about the ways in which different sound effects are applied usually after something has been filmed and then added to enhance certain noises. We thought about how we could create our own storyboard of something funny happening and how different sound effects could give those moments a ‘slap-stick’ feel. We also started thinking about instruments or objects in the classroom that might be able to make that sound.
During recorders, we were introduced to the note A. We looked at where we need to place our fingers before practising call-and-response style activities with Miss McGlone, playing different rhythms of the note A. We then took our new knowledge and played a piece called ‘Amazing Aeroplane’. ✨
This week we had a snapshot lesson – a lesson in the middle of the unit to assess how well we can apply the skills we have worked on so far to another piece of music. We began by looking at the length of phrases within the song and worked on finding a beat using body percussion (tapping knees and shoulders). We then looked at each of the words, practised saying the words first before adding the melody and thinking about the pitch of each note. Once we confident in this, we then moved on to combining all the elements and began to sing in unison trying to get the correct notes. As a challenge, we then turned the song into a call-and-response song (just like the song we are looking at during this unit – I’ve Been to Harlem). We split into 2 groups and practised where group 1 started singing the song before group 2 started singing. It worked extremely well and sounded lovely once we had mastered it!
During recorders, we were introduced to the note A. We looked at where we need to place our fingers before practising call-and-response style activities with Miss McGlone, playing different rhythms of the note A. We then took our new knowledge and played a piece called ‘Amazing Aeroplane’. Some people were even brave enough to place the piece on their own in front of the rest of their crew, with praise and wonders being given after their performance! ✨