Personal Development
This week we have been looking at ball skills, in particular dribbling. We talked about what dribbling is and how it gives you more control over the ball. We practised this by working with a partner to dribble the ball towards each other, making sure that we were keeping it controlled as we moved.
We then played a game where half of the crew had to stand with their legs apart (this made a rainbow) and the other half of the crew had to dribble the ball (the sun) around the hall. As we were dribbling the ball, we had to carefully direct the ball through the rainbows to try and score as many points as possible. We showed really good control of the ball during this game!
This week we have continued with our music learning by practising the song ‘Shake My Sillies Out’. We made sure we included the actions we had looked at in the previous lesson and continued thinking about how we keep in time with the beat of the track. We did a great job of this!
We then talked about how you can use instruments to keep the beat and so we chose an untuned percussion instrument from the box and practised at playing the beat, being sure to keep in time with each other. We worked extremely well as a crew and it sounded wonderful!
We have been looking at a song called ‘Shake My Sillies Out’. We have been practising warming our voices up whilst building our beat-finding skills by singing ‘Jelly On A Plate’, adding a new verse called ‘Ghostie In The House’. We had to make sure we were staying in time with each other and only clapping on the right beat, not on every word.
Once we were warmed up, we then started by learning the lyrics to ‘Shake My Sillies Out’ before adding in some actions to help with our performance. It was really tricky because we had to remember to do our actions on the correct beat so that we were all doing them at the same time. We worked hard at it though and we followed instructions so that we all ended up doing them at the right time together!
We have been having a lot of fun with our current unit of learning in music. We have been looking at the song ‘You To Me Are Everything’ by The Real Thing. We explored the genre of music and even practised some disco dance moves from the 70s. So that we knew a little more about the band and their music, we discussed information and researched answers to help us to understand their story a little more. We then looked at the song in more detail, discussing the meaning behind it. We found out that the song was released in Summer 1976, and that year was particularly memorable to those that experienced it because it was a very hot summer and therefore this song became a soundtrack to the glorious weather. We ended the lesson by getting to know the lyrics and melody more by learning the words and trying to sing it at the right pitch with the correct notes. As an added challenge, we then added in some of the 70s disco dance moves that we had practised earlier in the lesson.
The following lesson, we talked about cover songs and how different bands and artists can take a song that already exists and do their own version of it – a cover. Discussions were had around how covers can have similarities and differences to the original version. We listened to three covers of ‘You To Me Are Everything’ (by Sonia, Anthony Strong, and The Overtones) and talked about how there were elements of similarities but also very clear differences. Once we had listened to them all, we took a vote on which was our favourite cover – it was a draw between The Overtones and Anthony Strong. We then ended the lesson by looking at the first verse of another disco song ‘Celebration’ by Kool and the Gang, before continuing to learn ‘You To Me Are Everything’.
Yesterday it was Internet Safety Day which is a really important focus especially as most of us are online at some point.
In Crew, we discussed our favourite thing to do online and how to ensure we keep safe. We discussed scenarios of what to do if something happened such as someone being unkind via messages or a stranger adding them. We then identified who our trusted adults were so children knew who they could speak to if they felt unsafe or uncomfortable online.
This week, we looked at ways in which we can get along with others. We discussed that sometimes people may feel sad or angry but that there are ways in which we can help those people, or ourselves, to regulate. We spent some time getting mindful, taking deep breaths to focus ourselves, as well as repeating positive affirmations.
As part of our RSE curriculum this week, we were discussing the ways we can manage our emotions if we become dysregulated. We practiced some breathing exercises as well as a short yoga video aimed at helping us relax and relieve anxiety.
This morning in crew, we looked at how we can keep ourselves safe whilst using the internet. First, we had a discussion on how we keep ourselves safe in school, the playground and the wider community. We came up with some fantastic ideas such as “follow the rules and listen to instructions” “don’t talk to strangers and people we don’t know” and “don’t use the tyres and climbing frames when it has rained as they will be wet and slippy and we could get hurt”. We then discussed the different ways we can access the internet and why we need to use it. It provides us with entertainment, allows us to communicate with others and can help us to learn new things. Finally, we designed an influencer who had a positive impact on the wider community. Some ideas we came up with were: gymnasts, gamers, fashion designers and athletics.
Inspiring change 🌎 making a difference and a positive difference to the online world 🌎