Our PE lesson today kickstarted our basketball unit. We looked at the techniques needed when dribbling and we also thought about space awareness. A great lesson MI 🙂

Our PE lesson today kickstarted our basketball unit. We looked at the techniques needed when dribbling and we also thought about space awareness. A great lesson MI 🙂
Today, we had to run through an obstacle course where every challenge was unlocked by a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors! We had to defeat obstacles (us!) with the right move, and sprint to the finish. Strategy, speed, and quick thinking led the children to victory – it was such great fun and lots of positive sportsmanship observed!
We throughly enjoyed using our scout skills in Scottie’s today and made our own shelters! We got quite territorial and started adding thinks to make it homely ready for potential survival!
Today in PE, we worked on our stance, (a stance is the way you place your feet and load your body weight before you hit the ball.) Then we recapped on our forehand and backhand skills from last lesson. All of Crew Wilkinson had so much fun!
Today the children were learning to balance when jumping from 2 feet to 2 feet or 2 feet to 1 foot and then they smashed jumping from 2 feet, half a turn and then land on 2 feet .
Last week 10 children from KS1 represented Carcroft at a basketball tournament at XP.
Archie even won a special medal.
Well done everyone!
I have been blown away at the progression with their skills and also sportsmanship within their basketball club. The children attend every Friday lunch time and I thoroughly enjoy watching them grow as individuals but also as small teams! Some great skills developing but the encouragement they give each other is such a great personality trait to have! The language they’re using is also impressive, as they know when it’s the other teams throw-in, foul due to ill play and knowledge around dribbling and passing correctly. Super impressive KS1
On Friday afternoon, we got to enjoy a ‘Scotties’ session with Scott himself. Although it was initially freezing cold outside and the tasks set were incredibly challenging… we showed great perseverance and worked well as mini crews to succeed!
We are holding October camps from Active Fusion again this October, please click the link below to sign up https://www.activefusion.org.uk/camps/
Today in PE, we had some really tough team challenges to complete. Our first challenge was to order ourselves in various positions on including our birthdays, height and shoe size, without leaving the bench! Only one person was allowed to communicate which is always a tricky challenge in our crew!
We then moved onto ‘cross the river’ with the same rules applying. I was so impressed with how the children worked together, communicating silently to ensure they achieved their goal.