Earth Day – Seed Bombs

To celebrate Earth Day, we spent time in our XP Outdoors crew session making seed bombs!

We used flour, wildflower seeds, compost and water and mixed them altogether to create a mixture. We then took this mixture and rolled it into golf-sized balls and put them aside to dry. Once they are dry we will take some home but also plant some in our outdoor area at school. Seed bombs simply need to be dropped into soil and nature will do the rest. Over time they will turn into beautiful wildflowers!

Crew MW – Maths

We have been looking at adding more during maths. We started by acting out a ‘first, then, now’ story about a bus ride. Each time the bus stopped more people got on, we worked out how many we started off with at first, then we added either 1 or 2 people at a time, and finally worked out how many there were now.

We then used ten frames to represent a number using one colour of counters. Miss McGlone then told us how many more counters to add (in a different colour). We used the counters (both colours) to work out how many there were altogether.

St George’s Day Celebrations

Yesterday, we spent our afternoon celebrating St George’s Day in Crew MW! We begun the day by learning about who St George was and what he did to earn a special day in England. Some of us then decided that we wanted to make a shield just like St George had while we were in provision. We got to work cutting the shapes out of the cardboard (although this bit was tricky and we needed some help), and then decorated our shields using tissue paper, pompoms, coloured pencils and feathers.

At lunch time, we had a special picnic to celebrate! It was delicious!

In the afternoon, we chose to make fearsome dragons like the one St George defeated! We followed the steps to cut out the different pieces, then joined them all together to create our scary dragons!

Crew MW – PE

In PE this week, we have been looking at fireworks and how they move. We listened to a sound clip of fireworks exploding and said that they make big shapes in the sky as well as being sparkly and loud.

We created movements for the words ‘bang, crackle and fizz’ and listened carefully for Miss McGlone to shout these words as we moved to a piece of firework music around the hall. Every time we heard a different word, we had to change the action to match the word.

We then created a group movement piece to represent a firework. We started by standing close together as a group wiggling our fingers to show the firework fizzing and cracking as it shoots into the sky. We then turn around and spread out, standing with our feet apart and arms stretched out to show the firework exploding!

Coastal, rural, city or town?

In today’s geography lesson we learnt what key features make the different types of places.

Coastal – it has a beach.

Rural – in the middle of nowhere.

Town/village – it has houses, shops and hotels.

City – it has a lot of buildings and they are tall like skyscrapers.

Crew MW – Maths

In maths we have been discussing 2D and 3D shapes. We talked about the difference and how 2D shapes are flat, and 3D shapes are solid. We were introduced to the names of some 3D shapes and tried really hard to remember what they were!

We then worked as a group to sort out a selection of shapes into 2D shapes and 3D shapes. Some of us showed a great level of understanding by explaining the reasons why they had chosen whether a shape was 2D or 3D.

Crew MW – Maths

In maths we have been looking at odd and even numbers. We looked at how even numbers would always show pairs, and each part would have a matching partner. However, odd numbers did not have a matching partner for every part, meaning there was an odd one on its own.

We then tried to guess whether the numicon piece in the mystery bag was an odd or an even number by feeling whether it had a completely flat top meaning that it was an even number as every part had a matching partner or whether it had a bump on the top meaning that it was an odd number as not every part had a matching partner.