Year 6 guitars

Crew MI and Crew Boswell have loved playing the guitars today with Mr Smith. This is something that they have really enjoyed since November.

Musical Rockstars 🎸🤘🏻

Crew Godley have been amazing in their music lessons this week! We have some rockstars in the making for sure! This afternoon we have used garage band to develop our own musicals skills playing a variety of instruments.

Young Voices 2023 – Consent Form

If your child currently attends ‘Young Voices’ after school club, please ensure you have completed the consent form on ParentPay to confirm their place for the Young Voices performance at Utilita Arena, Sheffield on Friday 10th February 2023. Unfortunately, if any children do not have consent then they will be unable to attend the performance.

Lest we forget!

LKS2 performed their songs remembering those who lost their lives during past Wars remarkably well! It was such a special occasion as Years 3 and 4 performed at a remembrance service along with Years 1 to 6. The children spoke impressively well and sang beautifully, as the audience watched on respectfully. As part of the service, each Crew laid a poppy wreath at the front of the hall, after creating these wonderful tributes as part of Crew sessions and with each looking unique. Then, as the clocks hit 11, there was an impeccable minutes silence held by all.

This was held alongside our Expedition, as LKS2 researches ‘how war changes lives’. Some children even sang along to the songs that were performed, which was lovely to see.

Check out the video below of the beautiful singing taking place!

Thank you to Miss McGlone for helping prepare the children for the Service, as well as Mrs Wight and Miss Lee for helping the children learn their speaking roles!

We shall remember, on this Remembrance Weekend!