We have started to work on our next unit of learning in French – Numbers and Age! We began by being given a maths calculation, only it did not have digits, the numbers were written in words… French words! We had to work together to recognise any cognates or near cognates that might help us to work out the English definition. We managed to work out the French for 6 and 3 and then used this information to decide what 1, 2, 4 and 5 were. It was a little tricky as some of the French equivalents are nothing like the English but we managed it eventually!
We then embedded our understanding by playing a game where Miss McGlone said a number in French, we had to hide our fingers and once she said un, deux, trois, allez we then revealed our fingers. We were successful if we held up the matching amount of fingers to the number called out. This helped us with our listening skills.
To improve our pronunciation skills, we then played a board game where we had to roll a dice on the iPad. We then moved our playing piece the same amount of spaces only we had to count out loud in French. As an extra task, if we landed on a space where there was a colour splat, we had to say the colour in French. If we got it correct, we earned an extra turn to throw the dice! The winner was the one who arrived in the centre space first.