A busy day in Crew MI

We have had a busy but productive day in MI! We thought more about our reading text ‘At the sign of the Sugared Plum’ and looked at a variety of inference type questions which focussed on the first chapter. We worked well in mini crews to explore the questions, using the text to support our answers.

We then spent some time preparing for our SLC thinking about our howls and making pledges to help us move forwards. We are really looking forward to sharing these with you next week.

In maths we worked hard to explore decimals. We all did really well on our fluency questions with many of us moving onto reasoning and problem solving questions.

Our crew howl score is continuing to improve! Keep it up Crew MI.

Fractions! (3.3.22) #️⃣🔢

Year 3 had an active discussion as part of their maths lesson today. We discussed what we noticed about different fractions and looked to see if we could order them into unit and non-unit fractions. It was interesting to see what they thought they were, ready to then complete a range of questions successfully during the lesson.

On an afternoon, we are Mathematicians

I spent Monday afternoon with Mr Longley (our Maths Lead) talking through the Mathematics curriculum at Carcroft School as it’s a little bit different to the Maths Curriculum we had in place last year. Mr Longley showed me ‘Magic Maths’ in practise and I spotted our Y3 Crew Flaherty and Crew Gerrard practising their written methods for addition.

We then went and had a little look at Magic in Y5, where we spotted Crew MI practising converting mixed fractions. They were able to use Mrs McClare’s anchor chart to support them with the new method they had been taught.

Next we had a little look in Crew McLoughlin, who were working hard to get smart using metric measures. Mrs McLoughlin was re-modelling some of the learning with a small group of pupils and I noticed other children working on either fluency or reasoning and problem solving questions.

It was great to see nearly every pupil working hard to get smart on a Monday afternoon. Keep up the great work Carcroft Mathematicians.

Ordering numbers

We’ve been working with bigger numbers in Crew Welburn this week – numbers to 50! We worked hard as our table crews to make the numbers we were given and to put them in order from smallest to greatest.

Crew MI 8.2.22

We really enjoyed dressing up on Friday as Rockstars to play Timestable Rockstars. We are definitely getting better at our timestables. We even did a kahoot quiz and played some maths board games. It was really fun!

Maths, maths, maths!

We created our own anchor charts today… focusing on the skills we’ve been working really hard to grasp: four operations of fractions, % of amounts, multiplying and diving by 10,100,1000 and 4D Divide by 2D.

Mathstars 🤘🎸➗✖️

Crew Mcloughlin was full of mathstars today. We started the morning off by creating arithmetic anchor charts in mini-crews to help us with our learning; these now look great on our maths working wall and we can refer to them all of the time. We then put our knowledge to the test in a kahoot arithmetic quiz.