Today in Crew Pashley, we practiced counting different amounts using different objects. We are practicing counting amounts larger than 20 this week. Today, Charlie counted how many treats we had in our treat tub, and how many conkers Miss Haddock had given us. We also matched the number card to the correct amount of apples on the matching card.
Column addition and subtraction in MI
We have been working really hard on our addition and subtraction written methods. What great positive attitudes we had today 🙂
Magic maths in MI
The work hard howl was really shown today in our magic maths session 🙂 Children really tried hard when they were challenged but all still ensured they had a positive attitude.
Taking away ➖
This week Crew Marsh have been working hard on taking away, I have been so impressed with how quickly we have picked up the method!
MTC Practice
A few parents have asked for clarity on the MTC section of the homework.
Children need to use TTRS to practice their timetables and then complete an MTC test which they’ll record the score of.
This is to get the children use to the time limit to answer each question.
Miss Shields
Number lines
Yesterday in maths, we were looking at number lines. We learned how important it was to work out what the number line is going up in so that you are able to accurately complete it. Some of us found this a little tricky but we didn’t give up. It was lovely to see some of the crew supporting their peers when they became stuck.
Place value
In Crew MI, we have been working really hard on our place value knowledge. We used the base ten and counters to create 3 digit numbers. We now understand the value of each of these digits.
Marvellous Maths
Crew Hamill have worked REALLY hard to master our maths this week. Today, we were learning how to partition numbers to 100. We started with numbers in their expanded form, partitioning them into tens and ones and then we stretched ourselves to think of different ways of partitioning. Did you know 35 can be split into 30 + 5, 20 + 15 and 10 + 25? We used base 10 to support our learning, giving a visual representation of what our numbers look like partitioned.
Let the battle commence!
Today MI worked on their times tables ready to battle against Mrs Ibbotson in assembly next week! Come on MI 🙂
We started our Place Value unit with a practical lesson focusing on our numbers to 20. We used bead bars to represent our numbers, partitioned numbers into tens and ones and even had a go at independently writing our numbers in words.