In maths, we started our measurements unit and kicked off the lessons by measuring things around the classroom in cm and m. We used a rule, metre stick and even a trundle wheel for the corridor. The children had lots of fun doing this and give them practical experience of measuring.
Past few weeks in Crew Tymon.
We made some oobleck to practice our cleaning skills, we made some salt dough to work on leaning our numbers and our sharing skills. We made some Pudsey bear faces and made him an eye patch using stickers to focus on our fine motor skills.
In maths, we started to learn more about dividing. We got the concrete resources out and shared the blocks into equal groups! We really enjoyed doing this and could answer a variety of dividing questions!
We are still working hard demonstrating our knowledge of our fractions unit, with a particular focus on improving our reasoning and problem solving skills.
Money Money Money
Before starting our money unit in maths, we had the opportunity to play with the money so we’d feel more confident recognising the coins. While working with our partner, we gave them an amount of money and they had to count how much they had. This encouraged us to count in multiples of 1,2,5,10,20 and 50 supporting our understanding of place value.
My maths – consolidation
During the last week, children had the opportunity to consolidate some of their learning using Mymaths. This allowed staff to do some 1:1 time to purple pen in maths books.
Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000
To help us understand what happens to numbers when we multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000, we became a human number. We looked at columns and were introduced to the decimal point. Ellie-May was a great decimal point and took her role very seriously, making sure she didn’t move! We then looked at what would happen to our number if we multiplied or divided by 10, 100 and 1000 and how our number would move one, two or three places on our place value chart.
Maths learning this week
In maths this week we have focused on multi-step worded problems using our addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills. In arithmetic we have also learnt squared and cubed numbers, order of operations and have continued consolidating long division. Keep up the great work Crew Mcloughlin! We are working so hard!
Arithmetic consolidation
To consolidate our operation skills we participated in a carousel of activities. There were four stations: short division, long division, long multiplication and TTRS as we are still getting some questions incorrect because of our times tables knowledge!
Roman numerals…
Today in Crew MI, we enjoyed learning about roman numerals. We decided it was like trying to crack a code. We learnt that different letters meant different symbols and we had to put them in the right order to create our numbers. We then put this into practise a completed a task on my maths.