Working on reading pace

LT: To read with increasing speed

Y5 had a challenge to read and understand a short text in under 60 seconds, then they had 4 questions to read and record their answer within 3 minutes. We had great discussions around unknown vocabulary and how to unpick what the unfamiliar words might mean.

Dividing in Y2

LT: To divide into equal parts

In this lesson, we used the cubes to help us divide amounts equally into different groups. We then had to read worded questions and some of us used our whiteboards and counters to help.

Working on our Heat Maps

Crew Hamill were inspired by last week’s TTRS battle for NSPCC in which they came first in the school and earned themselves some scooter reward time. Since then, we’ve worked hard to improve our times tables and have tried our best to improve our heat maps. We’re excited to see if we can use our new times table knowledge to beat Mrs Ibbotson in today’s times table battle!

Active maths

Placed around the room were fractions and decimals – once found, we had to write the equivalent. The first partners finished with all correct answers won a prize. This consolidated our fraction and decimal equivalent knowledge ready to move onto percentages.

Equivalent Fraction Families

To bring our unit on fractions to a close, we have been exploring equivalent fractions and identifying as many families as we can. To begin with, we created our own fractions walls and then used these to follow the lines to help identify which fractions were the same (of equal value). We then realised that we could use our times table knowledge to support with this and created some fraction flowers using this skill.

AB repeating patterns – colours

We have been looking at repeating patterns and what the word ‘repeating’ means. We talked about how it is the same thing again, and again, and again. We started by chanting each of the colours in the pattern, which helped us to continue the pattern – even without the pictures on the board to help us! We then had to work together to see if we could find out what colour would come next in the pattern.

To demonstrate our learning, we then had an individual pattern that we then had to complete with the correct picture. We were really kind to our friends and if we noticed that they had made a mistake we helped them to correct it.

Searching for numeral 2

In Crew McGlone, we looked at how the numeral 2 may look a little different when we see it out and about in the world. It may be a different colour, be written in a different font, be bigger or smaller… but it still represents 2!

Once we had talked about this, we went on a numeral hunt around the classroom. We had to work together as a crew to find as many different numeral 2s as possible. We were successful!