Case study 3 continues in MI

Today we started to gain an understanding of the different food groups. First of all we thought about why all living things need food and we explored the word nutrition. We watched a variety of different clips on what a balanced diet is and what it includes. We used our previous knowledge on digestion too to support our discussions. Next we explored the eat well guide, thinking about what a healthy meal should be made up of. We then demonstrated our knowledge through a quick quiz. Next we continued to build background information on the food groups. We worked in mini crews to gather facts on each food group. Each person in the crew went to one of the food group information sheets in the classroom and found a fact. They brought this back and added it to to their group paper. At the end each person shared their facts to the rest of the group. From here we continued to demonstrate our knowledge, each mini crew had a go at creating their own eat-well plate. Our final activity allowed us to analyse a variety of menus, deciding if each meal on the menu was balanced or not. We thought about which meals were the most healthy and which were unhealthy. Finally we took part in a kahoot quiz to consolidate our learning!

What does seasonality mean?

In expedition, we started our new DT case study by looking at seasonal food and seasonality. We started off by discussing the four different seasons and then we sorted the items into each season. We then looked at which seasons food grew best in. We sorted the pictures based on the seasonality food chart. We found this really interesting and how some fruits and vegetables are in season all year round. We also found it interesting that in winter, less fruit and vegetables are in season.

Art Critique

Now that Crew Hamill have completed their final paintings of Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks, we have used a Padlet to share out paintings with the rest of the crew and add some critique. We have remembered to be kind, specific and helpful and to ensure we critique the piece and not the person.

Crew McLoughlin or mini Jonathan Yeos?

In Case Study 2, we have been studying the artist Jonathan Yeo- a British artist known for his contemporary portraits of famous people. We have delved into his artwork and analysed his use of colours, tone and highlight with use of shadows. We learnt some new sketching techniques to reflect the direction of a light source on an object. We analysed use of colour- why has the author used certain colour choice, linking our knowledge of warm and cool colours. We have chosen an inspirational individual we have studied about in history and reading and started to sketch an outline. Our first drafts look pretty impressive!


Today, Crew Hamill continued Case Study 2 by finishing off our emojis, this time using acrylic paint. We then discussed the differences between each medium and decided which paint we preferred to work with. This will help us to complete our final piece by selecting the medium that works best for us. Once we had done this, we began our first sketches of an influential person. We followed videos, using gridlines and step by step instructions to complete drawings of Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks and Marcus Rashford. Miss Hamill was VERY impressed with our first drafts and cannot wait to see our second drafts which we will turn into our final paintings.

Exploring Colour.

Today in Art, we explored and completed a colour wheel. We discovered how colours mix, contrast and evoke emotions. Then we painted two Emoji boards: one with water colours and one with acrylic paint. This helped us to begin to associated colours with emotions and to see how colour effects the mood and storytelling in art.

Developing our Art skills

To continue our second case study, we have looked at the different skills we need in order to complete a portrait image of an influential person. We began by recapping on the different sketching skills we need and then using these to illustrate shadow as this is something we will need to recreate in our final piece. We used torches and different shapes to experiment with shadow and used our sketching skills to demonstrate the shadows. Following this, we began looking at two different types of paints – water colour and acrylic. We recapped our knowledge of the colour wheel and have then used this knowledge to mix colours that represent different emotions. We completed our water colours and will now move on to do the same with acrylic so that we can explore the different medium a little bit more.


We began our second case study (Art) by evaluating and analysing works of art by various artists including some works by Jonathan Yeo. We discussed as a class What we liked about certain portraits and why. During a gallery walk, we then delved deeper into the choices the artist made e.g. the medium the artist used to create the portrait and why as well as questioning the colour choices and the impact these have on the overall composition. Next, we began to think about why these people were chosen to have their portraits made and, if we were to make our own, who would we choose?

To finish, we researched the artist Jonathan Yeo.