Challenge crew in MI

We completed this challenge a few weeks ago and this week the roles were reversed so our partners got a chance to draw. We took part in the blind picture challenge 🙂 We really thought about our previous debrief and the feedback we gave to each other in order to make this challenge more successful. There was some great communication throughout the challenge where partners remained calm, giving instructions that would support partners to draw the picture effectively. A great crew session this morning 🙂

Challenge Crew ✍🏻🏡

During this morning’s challenge crew, we were divided into pairs and challenged to use our listening and instructional skills. One person in the pair was shown a picture and they had to give instructions to their partner on what they needed to draw, without telling them what the picture was going to be. We all guessed pretty quickly that it was a house but not all of us got close enough to the actual image. Which picture do you think is closest?

Caring Crew in MI

Today we thought about how we feel in certain situations and how we can regulate our thoughts and behaviour. We worked in smaller crews to think about what makes us happy. We drew our ideas in thought bubbles then shared them with the whole crew. We then did the same for the emotion sad and compared our ideas. We then compared to the emotions anger and calm. From here we played an emotions game where effective communication was key. We moved around the board sharing times where we have experienced each emotion. During our debrief we discussed why thinking positive thoughts is so important and why having a positive attitude is key. We linked to our howls here and discussed when we have done this.

Creating Confidence in Crew 🎭😊🌈⭐

This morning during our Crew session we discussed what ‘confidence’ meant. We then shared times when we felt most confident and times when we felt not very confident at all. We then discussed how we could feel more confident about something at times when we are feeling shy or nervous. Although when we experience these feelings its hard to feel confident we thought of ways or strategies to help us with this such as, having positive thoughts, sending positive vibes, talking to our family and friends, smiling and standing tall. We then created our own ‘confidence masks’ that we could wear at times when we weren’t feeling confident to give us the confidence boost that we needed. We shared our ideas before we began and discussed the power of rainbows, bright colours, stars, positive symbols, smiles and love. Below are some of our designs!

Crew in MI

Today we took part in an extended crew due to the children being off school yesterday. Firstly, we took part in our challenge crew which was just the start we needed! It was full of laughs and giggles and really set us up for the day! We then moved onto the caring crew we missed yesterday where we continued to think about emotions. One of the activities allowed us to discuss our feelings on swimming which is something we will start after the Easter holidays. This was a valuable discussion and allowed us all to voice our feelings about it.

Crew Marsh celebrates World Book Day 2024 📚

Today we had a variety of costumes in Crew Marsh to showcase our favourite characters. We listened to a range of stories and one of our favourites was “There’s a Dragon in your book” by Tom Fletcher. We really enjoyed this story because it was funny and we were all able to join in by using our imaginations it was great fun…just how reading should be! 📕❤️

Challenge Crew

This morning, we had to continue to work in a crew to achieve a common goal. We worked in mini crews and were set the challenge of seeing which mini crew could hold the most pieces of paper between parts of their body. There were strict rules in that we could not fold the paper or use anything, such as glue, to help us. We also weren’t allowed to let the pieces of paper touch each other.