Mental Health Week in MI

Last Thursday we continued our work on mental health and started to think about what positive and negative feelings are. We discussed that feelings can be both comfortable and uncomfortable. We talked about how all feelings are important and aren’t ever described as good or bad. From here we started to think about negative feelings. We discussed the way in which the feeling is uncomfortable, what the feeling is telling us and what we should do. We referred back to our expert visit and thought about some of the points he had raised and discussed. Next we discussed how negative feelings can be feelings of worry and feelings of pressure. We tried to think of times when we had felt this and some of us shared our experiences. From here we explored a picture, we thought about what was happening in the picture, how someone may feel if the situation was happening to them, the positive and negative feelings involved and how the feelings should be addressed and how. It was important we discussed how negative feelings can be turned into a positive and the small changes we can put in place to do this. 

This moved us nicely onto today’s crew session where we thought more about ourselves and our own mental health. We created our own display that shows who we are. This piece of work will be part of our final product for our current expedition and will really showcase us as individuals. We haven’t finished this yet, but you can see it coming together nicely…

Challenge Crew

This morning for Challenge Crew we worked in small groups to complete ‘The Group Hop’ challenge. This required us to use our coordination and communication skills. We worked in small groups and began by standing in a straight line, we then placed our right hand on the shoulder of the person in front of us and gave them our left leg/ankle to hold. We then had to see how far we could hop along together without toppling over! We then challenged ourselves to see who could hop the farthest! It was great fun but we definitely encountered a few hurdles! During our debrief we realised that communication was vital and that we had to work as a team to be successful.

Mental health discussions continue in MI

In crew this morning we reflected on our expert visit yesterday and created an anchor chart all about mental health. We then watched some clips to further develop our knowledge. The main thing we took away from these videos is that talking is so important. We discussed some of the different things that can be done to help someone with a mental health issue and how everyone is different. Some great discussions MI 🙂

Challenge Crew

Today, Crew Hamill took part in one of their favourite crew challenges – Leaning Tower of Feetza! We had to work in mini crews to see which team could build the tallest, free-standing tower with their shoes. We had to make sure our tower remained standing for at least 30 seconds once we let go. We had two rounds and each managed to score a point!

Challenge Crew in MI

Today we started our crew session with the birthday line up challenge. We had to order ourselves in the correct order and to do this we had to communicate effectively. After the first challenge we thought about how the challenge had gone and thought about how we could work together a little better for the next challenge. We also ordered ourselves looking at our shoe size and our height! We really enjoyed our crew challenge this morning 🙂

Caring Crew in MI

Today we described some of the risks of inactivity to ourselves and others. We looked at how much daily exercise different age groups should be getting over a day and over a week. This surprised some of us!We then explored some of the major risks for people that are inactive. We tried to think of different ways we could increase our activity levels during 4 different scenarios. We worked well in mini crews to build ideas before sharing back with the whole crew. Our debrief allowed us to set our own pledges to increase our levels of physical activity.

Earth Day – Seed Bombs

To celebrate Earth Day, we spent time in our XP Outdoors crew session making seed bombs!

We used flour, wildflower seeds, compost and water and mixed them altogether to create a mixture. We then took this mixture and rolled it into golf-sized balls and put them aside to dry. Once they are dry we will take some home but also plant some in our outdoor area at school. Seed bombs simply need to be dropped into soil and nature will do the rest. Over time they will turn into beautiful wildflowers!