Wow! What a performance!

It was pleasure to be able to watch the Cheerleading and Acro performance on Thursday afternoon. The children from KS1 and KS2 performed the dances they have been learning during this term in lunchtime clubs.

The performance oozed confidence and the high quality learning that has taken place during these clubs. It was great to see children from previous years perform but also lots of new faces. A massive well done to all involved. They should be very proud of themselves.


The children really enjoyed exploring snow this week. We discussed what clothes we need to wear in order to keep us warm in the cold, snowy weather. We also brought snow inside and explored what happens when it melts.

Enjoying our new classroom and our first week back after half term!

Crew McGlone were very excited to explore their new classroom after half term. They have really enjoyed getting to know where our resources are kept and the areas we have in our new room.

Whilst we were enjoying our half term holiday, the season definitely changed and we noticed LOTS more golden, crunchy leaves had fallen off the trees in our outdoor area. We loved playing with our friends in Crew F2 and we worked together to collect them up and create big piles for us to play in. We even found some mini-beasts and insects!

Crew F2’s ‘Be Kind’ challenge

Last week, Crew F2 worked hard to show that they were a kind crew. We talked about how in Autumn, the leaves fall off the trees and stay on the ground. We decided that we would get our brushes out and clean up some of our outdoor area to make sure that we could see all of our equipment when playing, and to get rid of the rubbish from outside that had blown in off the street. We did a fantastic job sweeping and using the wheelbarrows to collect the leaves!