St George’s Day – British Values

On Tuesday, we celebrated St George’s Day with a picnic and an afternoon of learning about British Values.

In crew, we learned about Sir George and how it came to be St George’s Day. Then in the afternoon reviewed the areas of British Values before focusing on Rule of Law. We discussed how there are rules and law for the safety of everyone and ensure people are treated fairly. The crew shared some of the rules they have at home then we designed poster that had the expectations of our classroom.

The Mayans

In our first History lesson, we quickly recapped ordering the Mayan timeline. When we completed it during hook week, there was a misconception about how to order BC dates. Therefore, we had another check in to ensure we’d remembered how to accurately order BC and AD events.

Next time we worked together in small groups to match some vocabulary and their definitions.

Then we learned some facts about the Mayan so we could start to understand this ancient civilisation.

Book Talk

In our book talk session, we have started looking at some of the elements that make us a fluent reading. Our focus for this lesson was ensuring we pause in the correct places. We discussed the importance of paying in the correct places which helps us with comprehension of the text. We used echo read which allowed us to see where we should pause. Each lesson we will focus on a different element of fluency which will support us as readers.

Crew Shields – French

This week we have been looking at seasons and becoming more confident with dates in French. We started by looking at the four seasons, practising our pronunciation, before discussing which season each month of the year falls into.

We then spent time improving our speaking skills, as well as our listening and understanding skills, by asking our friends what their date of birth is. We used our knowledge organisers to help us construct the correct French translation to record their birthdays.

We then utilised our knowledge organisers again to translate a range of dates from English to French which supported practising to write in French.

Blind Tasting

On Thursday afternoon, we took part in blind food tasting based on foods the Maya would have eaten. Some of us were a little apprehensive about this due to the unknown. The foods we tried were avocado, chilli, lettuce, dark chocolate and tuna. As you can imagine some of these were a hit and others not so much. However, everyone gave them a try and tried to push themselves outside of their comfort zones.