The UK and Svalbard

Building on our knowledge from the previous lesson, we’ve compared the UK and Svalbard which is a country we will be learning more about as we end out geography Case study and start the science work. We discussed how there are differences due to them being in different geographical zones. Even better that we were asking questions about Svalbard such as the distance from the UK to Svalbard, are you able to travel to Svalbard?

Human and physical features

On Tuesday, we spent the lesson discussing the human and physical features of Italy and Africa. The aim was to compare 2 places from different geographical zones and start to understand why there are differences between them based on where they are located in the world. We enjoyed finding out different information and we were totally surprised that Africa has approximately an eighth of the worlds population.

Book Talk

Today we finished our second book talk lesson. We spent some time enjoying we understood the vocabulary and reminded ourselves that if something starts with a capital letter it’s the name of a place or person. We enjoyed a game of round table where the children had to take turns finding nouns in the text then we did a whip around sharing our answers.

We worked together to do a sequencing activity to order events in the text.

While reading the text, we had some questions to allow us the opportunity to give us reason for reading.