Pointillism First Draft
Today we have done our first draft of our African inspired pointillism. In Crew Robson we are painting lions 🦁
Once finished we will critique our first draft ready for our next draft. Great work everyone!
Polar Bear Experience at YWP 🐻❄️
Today we were very lucky to be able to have a video call live for the Project Polar at Yorkshire Wildlife Park. We were able to ask lots of questions and found out lots of information about the polar bears who live in Doncaster. We found out their skin is black and their fur is see through, they like to eat lots and meat and they enjoy playing with lots of different toys. A huge thank you to Alex who made sure we saw the polar bears swimming, walking and snoozing!
Symmetry investigation
In maths we have been learning about 2d shapes. Today we investigated different regular and irregular shapes to see if they had lines of symmetry. We also learnt lots of new vocabulary including symmetry, symmetrical, horizontal and vertical!
Exploring Georges Seurat 🖼️🎨👨🎨
Today we were artists and found out about the French post-impressionist artist Georges Seurat.
Seurat used pointillism to create his artwork. After a gallery walk and a critique session we had a go at using the pointillist techniques.
Things that make us happy 😊
Today in Crew we explored things that make us happy and also listened to a ‘Happy’ song!
Henry’s 3D Printing 🍊🐊
Henry brought in a 3D printed crocodile and orange he made during half term with his Uncle to share with our crew and put on our expedition display. I can’t wait to see what you make next!
Fantastic Food Chains 🌿🐛🐦⬛🦊
Today we were scientists and explored simple food chains.
We learnt the definition of words such as producer, consumer, predator and prey.
The children worked in collaborative groups to put together there food chains and explain how energy was transferred through the food chain.
Handa’s Surprise 🦓🍊
Today for our experience lesson we made oranges because in the story Handa walks past a stripy zebra who steals the orange from her basket.
We then played a game called ‘Keeper of the fruit’ where we tried to steal the fruit off our partners head without them knowing. We had to be very quiet and sneaky which some children found very difficult!
Comprehension Practice
The children in my comprehension group showed amazing Howls and resilience when tackling a practice sats paper in their reading lessons today. We all enjoyed learning lots about Ancient Greece and answering lots of difficult questions. Great work everyone!