Pink team had an amazing sports day on Thursday, despite the incredibly windy conditions! A fantastic team with lots of teamwork and support on display – well done Team Pink!
Lovely to see these children share their beautiful work 🙂
What a fantastic way to kick start our sport week with a GB Freestyler Kayaker! Becky Green inspired children this morning with her passion for kayaking, at such a young age she has achieved so much! Our children practised some key skills and exercises to get their bodies moving.
Following on from our colour mixing lesson yesterday we began painting our Rangoli patterns.
We used lots of different colours to make sure they were bright and colourful.
This week in Crew we have been exploring the importance of brushing our teeth, daily. We explored the effects of different drinks on our teeth by using eggs, the shell is similar to our tooth enamel. We placed an egg in water, dilute juice and a fizzy drink. We were shocked to see how the dilute juice impacted the egg shell, causing it to dissolve. This reiterated how important to brush our teeth twice a day, before bed and in the morning. It was fascinating to watch how the shells dissolved and made some really strange formations after just leaving it in the liquid for a day. Imagine not brushing your teeth for a day!
Yesterday in expedition we began looking at Rangoli patterns. Today we explored mixing primary, secondary and tertiary colours.
Today, we were very lucky to take part in a wonderful experience brought to us by M&M productions, The Jungle Book. Many of us knew the story of Mowgli and it was fantastic to see the story brought to life!