Mindful Monday – Getting Along with Others 🧘🏼‍♀️🧘🏻‍♂️✨

This week, we looked at ways in which we can get along with others. We discussed that sometimes people may feel sad or angry but that there are ways in which we can help those people, or ourselves, to regulate. We spent some time getting mindful, taking deep breaths to focus ourselves, as well as repeating positive affirmations.

Storytelling Week 2024 📚✨

To celebrate Storytelling Week 2024, Crew MW enjoyed many stories, discussions about stories and even a pyjama day! During crew, we discussed what our favourite stories were and then tried to guess the story based on a description from Miss McGlone. We were able to recognise all the stories apart from one – The Magic Porridge Pot, so we decided that at snack time we would listen to that story to familiarise ourselves with it! We noticed that porridge was a familiar theme as we have been looking at Goldilocks and the Three Bears in expedition too! We’ve been working hard on the stories we hear in expedition by using props to act the story out, as well as being able to work on our retelling skills.

On pyjama day, Keenan brought in a copy of his favourite story – Finding Nemo, so we enjoyed listening to it whilst snuggled in our pyjamas. We really love stories and we listen to a different story every day, sometimes more than one!

Recognising 6, 7 and 8

In maths, we have started looking at the numbers 6, 7 and 8. To start us off, we worked together in small groups to sort different representations of each number. We talked about what we could see and why we thought it represented a certain number. If we felt we had made any mistakes, we discussed it together and corrected our choices.

Wonderful writing!

Crew MW have been working hard on their writing skills today. After a visit from Goldilocks, they wanted to tell Miss Welburn how to make porridge like they did with Miss McGlone on Tuesday. They worked hard to build sentences together in a group and then to pinch their sounds using their Fred fingers and spell the words to make captions. We’re really impressed with the captions that they came up with!

PE – Crew MW ❄️

We have been looking at our throwing skills in PE. We were introduced to over arm and under arm throws. So that we could practice both of these throws, we threw imaginary snowballs! We split into 2 groups and, with the help of some very kind children from Crew Marsh, completed two different activity stations. One station required us to use the over arm throw to hit the wall from a certain distance, the other station needed us to use the under arm throw to get the beanbag into the hoop target.

Maths – capacity 💧

We have been investigating capacity in Crew MW. We had a number of containers on our table and had to discuss which we thought would hold the most and the least water. The only way we could find out was to investigate by filling them up!

We made our predictions before counting how many cups of water it would take to fill each container. We worked with a partner to compare the coloured pots first, we all thought that the taller pot would hold the most water.

We were correct! It held 2 cups of water, whereas the smaller pot held only 1 cup.

We then worked as a group to look at the 3 cylindrical containers. We were all very sure that the tallest container would hold the most but we were undecided on whether the thinner or the wider containers would hold the most… so we investigated it!

We were right about the tallest container, that held 8 cups of water! The container that held the least was the small, thin container – that only held 1 cup. The wider, but shorter container held 2 cups of water.

A special delivery from Goldilocks 👱🏻‍♀️🥣

We found a special treat left for us in our classroom… from Goldilocks! She had left us a tray with a bag of oats, milk, bowls, spoons and cups along with a note. The note contained instructions on how to make porridge.

We then worked as a crew to follow the instructions to make the porridge. As we tipped the oats into the bowl, we said that they looked dry and dusty. Max even said that they looked like crumbs! It was funny when we tipped the milk in because all the oats turned sticky so we started to mix. It took a while to mix it but after a while, it started to come together and was ready for the microwave.

We kept checking and stirring it, making sure that it was all mixed together. It started to get hot and we could feel it if we put our hands over the top of it. Some of the porridge even changed colour around the edge of the bowl.

Once the porridge was done, we added some sugar before we all had chance to try it! We waited until it cooled down a little before tucking in! We talked about what it tasted like and said that it was creamy, yummy and tasty.

Thank you Goldilocks!