World book day preparation in MI :)

Today MI read and shared a story with the children in foundation. They discussed the front cover and blurb with the children before reading the story. At the end they asked the children a few questions… Which part was your favourite? Which character did you like? Did you enjoy the story? Why? Crew MI loved sharing stories with the younger children and tried hard to use some expression whilst they read. A lovely time together in the library.

A sensory experience!

In Crew MW we have been looking at using our descriptive vocabulary during provision. We set up a sensory tray using soap and conditioner and got stuck in! We swirled, squeezed, squiggled and splatted while talking about what we could smell, describing the smell as delicious, coconut, sweet, milky, and how the texture felt using, oozing, soft, sticky, fluffy! We had so much fun exploring and writing in the mixture.

Today’s crew challenge!

Miss Welburn set us the challenge of moving the hula hoop using our finger tips this morning. We worked in small crew circles to lift and drop the hula hoop. We worked really well as a crew and completed our challenge really well!

Finding pairs in maths

Last week in maths, we begun looking at pairs. We started off by taking items from a basket and finding our pair within the room. Next, Miss Welburn set us a challenge of pairing up all of the wellies from our pegs. We worked really hard to pair them all up and explained how we knew that they were pairs using size, patterns and colours.

COJO fun!

We had lots of fun completing our COJO challenge this morning in Crew MW. We flew to the jungle and had to tip toe through the swamp without waking up the crocodiles! We balanced, climbed, jumped and crawled our way through the swamp, and we managed to do it without waking up any of the crocodiles! 🐊

Hooking in to Case Study 3

This morning, we had a video from our school office from the cameras in school. We’d had some visitors last night in our classroom…A group of gingerbread people had snuck through our class and are hiding somewhere in school! We worked out that the next book that we will be looking at is the Gingerbread Man! We read through the story and joined in with the familiar phrases. We are really excited to explore the story and to answer the guiding question, ‘How can we help the gingerbread man to cross the river?’

Crew MW – Music 🎶🥁

Today we listened to a story called ‘Hippobottymus’ that introduced us to a number of animals who make different noises to create music. We talked about how we could represent some of the animals using the untuned percussion instruments. Working in small groups, we decided who was going to be each animal before carefully choosing an instrument from the box that best represented that animal. We then performed together as each animal before then creating a soundscape that added a new animal each time, building up to a whole class performance, showcasing all the animals from the story!