Making numbers to 10

This afternoon, we have looked at making numbers to 10. We started by selecting a number from the magic bag, and then choosing two representations from the pile of tens frames. We counted up all of the counters on the representations to see how many we had altogether and to see if we had made the magic number or not. After that, we made dominoes using our play dough and beads. We talked about how many were in each part and how many altogether.

Comparing numbers to 10

Crew MW have been working on making numbers to 10 and comparing them in maths today. We started by looking at the domino sets and telling our partners how many spots were on each side and how many we had altogether. We then compared the dominoes using the vocabulary, ‘more’, ‘less’, or ‘equal’.

Once we had practiced using our new vocabulary, we made numbers on our tens frames and used our vocabulary to compare how many we had. We’re getting really good at recognising how many counters are in our tens frame without counting them by grouping and using our number bonds. Well done Crew MW!

Crew Challenge!

This morning in crew, we were challenged to build a tower in small crew circles using different resources. One crew used wooden blocks and the other crew used duplo. Miss Welburn also set us a HOWLs challenge to make sure that we were all working hard by showing we were involved and taking part in the challenge. We worked really well in our small crew circles and we built some fantastic towers! We also worked really hard to make sure that everyone was involved and taking part. Well done Crew MW!

Final Product Baking

Crew MW have spent the morning baking our gingerbread men to sell on Friday! We will be raising money to buy some new story books for the children in EYFS, for the school library and to give out in the local community. We measured, poured, sifted, stirred and rolled to create our gingerbread men, talking about what we could see and what we could smell. We worked really well in our small groups to complete our baking and we had lots of fun!

Crew MW’s Stay and Engage

Thank you to all of our grown ups for coming in to school today to help us with our expedition learning! This week in Crew MW, we have been looking at different ways to help the Gingerbread Man to cross the river. We talked about how using an animal wouldn’t work as they would probably eat him, how he couldn’t swim as he would get all soggy and crumble into pieces, and how we would need to use materials that float. After drawing our designs out, we invited our grown ups in to help us to create them, We loved having you all in to help us bring our designs to life and we think they look amazing! We can;t wait to display them on our corridor display!

Crew MW’s World Book Day Celebrations 📚

Crew MW had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day today. We started our day with a ‘guess the story’ quiz which we were fantastic at! Then we had a little costume parade and a crew photo to show off all of our costumes. After working hard on our own reading in phonics, we got to share a new story together, which we voted for as a crew – Puss in Boots! We really enjoyed this story and it made us laugh how the cat tricked everyone and helped his poor owner to become rich! We really enjoyed our World Book Day celebrations!

Investigating materials

Today in expedition, we started thinking about how we could help the Gingerbread Man to cross the river. We began by looking at different types of materials and describing them, before looking at the words, ‘float’ and ‘sink’. We decided that the best materials to help the gingerbread man get across the river would be the ones that float! Next, we predicted which materials would float and which would sink before testing them. We can’t wait to plan our designs tomorrow and make our creations with our grow ups on Thursday!