Today we interpreted line graphs which we all enjoyed 🙂

Today we interpreted line graphs which we all enjoyed 🙂
Our entry ticket allowed us to develop our inference skills around a picture which certainly raised lots of questions and discussions. We then worked on our words per minute by reading our text again! We really tried to ensure we were being fluent but also taking in what we were reading. We then took part in an echo read, read around the robin and an independent read where we recapped the text and some of the language in it. From here we looked at our reasons to read before acting out parts of the poem! Our exit ticket assessed our understanding of the stanzas in the poem! A great reading lesson MI 🙂
Today we continued our maths work on bar charts where we interpreted them then had a go at drawing our own.
Today we consolidated our learning on digital time and pictograms in our do now activity then Interpreted bar charts in our main maths lesson 🙂
Today we explored illegal and harmful substances and what effects these can have. We watched a clip to further develop our knowledge then took part in a short quiz. We then created a class anchor chart to show our findings from the session.
Our entry ticket allowed us to recap the text so far! We were all excited to tell Mrs McClare what happened on Friday! Mrs McClare then asked us a few questions, ‘Who was knocking at the door? Why did the man wear a turban? What is a merchant? Why did the man smile wickedly? Define concealed, what about slaughter? We then used our knowledge of the text to order events from the story in a sats style question. We then thought about what one of the characters may be saying and wrote out thought bubbles. This got us thinking about the next part of the story. We then moved onto reading the next part of the story where we used a partner read, echo read and independent read. Mrs McClare modelled using punctuation when reading. She gave us two examples then we voiced which was better and why.
Our main part of the lesson today was looking at language in the text. We read different parts of the text and looked at different questions involving language. We unpicked how we answer the questions and where we go in the text to find the answers.
Our exit ticket allowed us to think about one of the main characters and if she was right doing what she did. We gave our reasons for our answers.
Our entry ticket allowed us to work on our inference skills where we used a picture to answer questions. We really thought about the reasons for our answers and used the picture well to support us. We then read the next part of the text using a chorus read, independent read then a read around the robin. We tried to apply the skills we had been using all week- using the punctuation when reading along with expression. We explored the text as we read unpicking some of the vocabulary together. Next we moved onto our demonstration comprehension questions where Mrs McClare modelled her thought process in order to answer the questions. We were all so eager to voice the answers to the questions and used the text well to find the answers. We thought about the questions were asking us, comparing what, why and when questions. We had so many great answers and the excitement in our lesson today was fantastic. It was clear we had a good understanding of the text which was fantastic. Our exit ticket allowed us to think about the characters feelings where we wrote thought/speech bubbles for them. We then explained our answers explaining why we thought this.
Today we thought about and discussed why prayer matters to Muslims. First we watched a video clip showing Muslims performing salah. We watched this with no sound first of all and tried to observe the prayer movements. When watching again we observed the rak’ah and sketched as many prayer positions as we would pick out. For each position children annotated the sketch to explain what they think the movement might mean or say about the worshippers’ inner feelings and beliefs.
From here we watched the clip again with the sound turned on. We listened to the meanings of each movement and compared these back to our own ideas. We then had a go ourselves at performing the different movements. We then thought about what Muslims may be feeling when praying then considered why people pray and how it makes them feel. Some great discussions today MI 🙂
Reflecting on all the work we have done this week on mental health. We came up with different words for mental health.