Caring crew in MI

We started to discuss our families in crew time this morning. First of all, we played a game of swap where we had to move places with others in the circle if we shared something the same. This included brothers, sisters and pets! We were then given different pictures that were cut up, we had to build the pictures thinking about what we could see and what was the same and different. From here we started to think about our own family, we drew them, described them and added words to describe their characters. We then shared our creations with our partners and then the whole crew. Our debrief involved us thinking about our role as a member of our crew. We discussed our ideas well and related lots of our discussions to our howls. A great start to the day in MI 🙂

Experience lesson in MI

For our Writing Experience Lesson we went into the forest area where we shared our new text. This helped with visualising what the rainforest may be like instead of being in the classroom. We explored and unpicked the front cover and blurb, making predictions before we started reading. We looked at the pictures throughout the book and how they related to the story. We used our senses throughout our discussions, this will support us when writing in a few days. When back in the classroom we started some chotting around the 5 senses. Children then added to our classroom display using our chotting and from reading the text. This helped us to visualise what a rainforest may be like. 

Art attack in MI!

Today we explored human and physical geography before thinking more about physical features found in South America. Once we had a good understanding of both human and physical features we created our own art attack! We used maps to help us show all the different physical features and we were all super proud of our creation. Great howls were shown throughout the activity with a great positive attitude, great collaborative working and the end result showed beautiful work. Fab work MI 🙂

Citizenship crew in MI

Today we discussed the attributes that make a good team. We thought about any teams we admire then thought about the attributes of these teams. ‘Together everyone achieves more’ We thought about what this means in a variety of situations. We discussed any good teams we already know and what actually makes a good team. From here we thought about our crew and how we are also a small team. We worked in mini crews to discuss which attributes make a good team and what we need to be part of crew MI. We then shared these with the whole crew. Some great discussions MI 🙂

UKS2 family stay and engage

Thank you to all the parents and carers that joined us this afternoon for our Colombian kahoot quiz, coffee and biscuit. It was wonderful to have so many of you in school and to see the children’s smiling faces as they took part in the quiz. Hopefully everyone learnt a few new facts on Colombia!! Children are now really excited for our next few geography lessons where we will focus on Colombia in more detail.

Blind mice challenge crew in MI

Today we tested our listening, team work and problem solving skills! MI took part in an obstacle course where they worked in pairs. One team member completed the obstacle course whilst their partner gave them verbal instructions. There was however one catch, the person completing the course was wearing a blind fold! MI what a great job you did 🙂

Story time in MI

Mrs Ibbotson joined us for our story this afternoon! She read ‘The Vanishing Rainforest’ which we all enjoyed. This linked to our expeditionary learning and created some great discussions throughout the story.

We finished the day with some handwriting practice. We are really trying to work on our letter formation and will consolidate the letters we practised in our morning task tomorrow.

Hook week begins in MI

Today we started our geography case study where we started to explore geographical zones of the world. We explored both a globe and map of the world thinking about continents of the world and the countries that belong to each continent. We looked at the equator and what it is along with the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn. We found the seas and oceans of the world and discussed the northern and southern hemisphere. Also we thought about time zones and what these are. We watched a video clip to help consolidate our learning then took part in a quiz to assess our understanding. We all discussed our green challenge question working collaboratively to support each others answers.

VR workshop for MI

Today we have enjoyed diving into the rainforest through a virtual reality workshop. We enjoyed flying over the emergent layer of the rainforest as well as coming face to face with some of the Amazonian animals including capuchin monkeys, leopards and sloths! We also started to think about the impact of deforestation and why this is happening. Tomorrow we will be reflecting on the workshop further where we will write our own recount, these will be added to our blog for everyone to read 🙂