Just one example of the massive improvements in presentation in Crew MI! Feeling super proud right now

Just one example of the massive improvements in presentation in Crew MI! Feeling super proud right now
Such engagement in our music lesson this morning
In crew we took part in a road safety kahoot quiz! Well done everyone
During our crew session this morning, we explored a variety of statements thinking about if they are true, false or both true and false. We worked well in mini crews to discuss our ideas. We then watched a clip that explored speed in more detail. We had some great discussions this morning
Maths week fun in MI! We had to delay one of the activities from last week and we managed to complete this today! We explored money then went to our classroom shop where we added amounts together. What a fantastic lessons we had! During our debrief we looked at how we would calculate change!
Today we started to think about our next piece of writing, a monologue that will be used in our final product. Our experience lesson allowed us to think about what a monologue was and the features needed. We then unpicked an example together exploring all the features. One of these features were rhetorical questions. We explored these further in an extract and then changed a variety of statements into rhetorical questions. We really enjoyed doing this We then looked at a variety of video clips on the Northern tiger cat, the endangered animal that our monologue will be based on. We chotted facts on the animals appearance, diet, habitat and why it is at threat. We will use these ideas when we come to write. We are all excited about our new writing unit.
Today we started to join our photo frame together
Some great collaborative working in our reading lesson this morning We also looked at a variety of comprehension questions and worked together to find answers.
Our timestable rockstar day ended with quite the battle! Crews battled against each other to gather points in the hope their crew would make it to the final! There was great encouragement by all and it was lovely to see the improvements in our timestable knowledge! A big well done to everyone that took part A big shout out to Crew Boswell who made it to the final! And to the 2 children who beat Mrs Ibbotson!
Today in crew we thought more about what bullying is and the different types. We thought about the impacts of it and how bullying influences a persons life and well being. We then looked at and discussed a variety of scenarios with our partner before sharing them with the whole crew and thinking about the impact of each situation. It was a very interesting discussion and opened our eyes a little more to the impact of bullying.