In RE, we discussed what worshipping was, why people do it and where people do it. We reflected on all of this and explored how it is different in different religions.

In RE, we discussed what worshipping was, why people do it and where people do it. We reflected on all of this and explored how it is different in different religions.
We really enjoyed becoming Victorian children where we experienced what is was like to attend school in Victorian times. We think Mrs Ibbotson and Mrs Boswell liked being the strict teachers quite a bit haha!! We learnt that if children did not attend school, then they had to work in the factories which we also had a go at this afternoon- this was hard work! After all of that, we then played a range of Victorian games the children would have played back then such as hop-scotch, giant snakes and ladders, Blind man’s bluff and pass the slipper.
Today we used an unseen text to answer a variety of questions. We are getting much more confident in using the text to find our answers.
Today we started our writing lesson sharing our edited and redrafted chunk 1 of plot point 1. We really loved reading this out loud to our peers and finding what we had used from our target grids. We then did some shared writing together where we edited and redrafted one of our crew members work. We really tried to include a range of adverbials along with varied conjunctions. After lunch we started to chot based on plot point 2. We came up with some fantastic ideas which will help us when we start to write this plot point.
Our do now today allowed us to consolidate our learning around length. We used our rulers to measure a series of lines then had a try at drawing some lines too. We then moved onto looking at the perimeter of shapes which we all enjoyed doing. We will continue with this tomorrow 🙂
Today in crew we thought about what storytelling is and what it means to us. Mrs McClare shared her experiences as a child and her favourite book. Our crew check in allowed us to share our favourite stories with each other and why we like those particular books. We then went into the library and shared some books together. Some of us even read out loud to the rest of the crew! This was lovely to see. Finally after discussing the stories we had read, we wrote some book recommendations. We really enjoyed doing this and look forward to the next activities in the morning.
Today we explored pronouns…
Today we worked as a crew to edit and improve our peers first chunk of writing then we started on our own. We tried really hard to use our target grids to improve our work.
We showcased our beautiful work and everything that we had achieved to our family and friends in a presentation of learning. On display were our repurposed frames, which had our art work and monologues alongside. We read our emotive monologues out loud and protested to save our planet. Hopefully, we made the audience reflect on how they could help our planet survive.
Working hard on our diary entries 🙂