Book talk in MI

Today we started a new text, ‘Africa, Amazing Africa.’ We started the lesson with a silent conversation where we explored the front cover and then the blurb. We then explored features of non fiction texts and played some games using the contents page and glossary. From here we started to unpick some of the vocabulary that will appear in our first few pages. We used pictures to help us with the vocabulary and tried to put the words into context. Tomorrow we will continue our book talk session where we will start reading the text 🙂 We are all eager to explore our new text further!

Experience lesson in MI

Today we were introduced to our next writing unit, a non chronological report on tigers. Our experience lesson allowed us to build background knowledge on tigers by watching a variety of clips. We verbally voiced the facts we had learnt as well as writing some down. After watching the clips, we all shared our facts with the whole crew. From here we started to group our facts into different areas e.g appearance, diet, habitat and threats. We then explored a non chronological report, finding the features and thinking about the facts within it.

Mental and physical health in Crew MI

Today in our caring crew, we explored physical and mental health. We discussed what we can do to ensure we maintain good physical health but also why it is important to keep our minds healthy too. We had a go at some yoga this morning which really set up us for the day! We remained calm, creating a very peaceful environment.

RE in Crew MI

In today’s lesson, we learnt more about worship but focussed on the differences between Anglican and Baptist churches. We watched a couple of videos and then sorted features to match the churches. We then drew pictures to represent what we had learnt.