Comparing and ordering angles in MI

Today we recapped angles from our lesson on Friday. We used our arms to make the 3 different types of angles we had learnt. We explained how we know if an angle is acute, obtuse or a right angle. We then applied our learning to some different questions, using our partners for support. From here we started to compare angles using the symbols < > = We named the angle first then used the correct symbol to compare. We then applied our learning to lollipop sticks and practised making and comparing angles with these. Next we looked at comparing 3 or more angles and then ordered them from smallest to the biggest. We applied our knowledge to a variety of questions then practised a little more with our lollipop sticks.

Caring Crew in MI

Today we explored emotions and thought about times we have experienced different types of emotions. We then looked at some short letter scenarios where we tried to help the person involved solve the problem. We identified the emotions involved then thought if we had ever felt the emotion ourselves. We had some great discussions this morning 🙂

Computing in Crew MI 💻

In today’s lesson we learnt about search engines: what they are and why we use them. It was great to explore and see who could find information the fastest. We then discussed how reliable to information was. It was great to see Crew MI helping each other too.

Crew MI- Crew lesson- We are all unique 💖

Last week, in Crew, we thought about what makes us unique and special. We acted out scenarios and thought about how the people felt in them and why. We offered advice but also reflected on what we would have done. It was a great session to celebrate everyone’s ‘uniqueness’ and how we are all special and contribute to this world in our own ways.

Demonstration comprehension

Today we carried on reading our book about Africa and focussed on the country Nigeria. We answered a range of ‘why?’ questions and then answered using ‘because….. to explain using the evidence from the text. As a challenge, we answered an impressions question where we used APE to help us to answer. We had a go at writing our answers on post its and then Mrs Ibbotson modelled it.

Book talk continues in MI

Today we continued our book talk session 🙂 We started by recapping our key vocabulary, this was something we text marked when we started to read. We all took part in a read around the robin as we read, a partner read then we tried a speed read. This helped us to work on the speed of our reading and helped us to become a little more fluent. We tried to circle any other vocabulary that we didn’t understand and we then discussed this as a whole crew. We discussed different parts of the text as we read, discussing anything that surprised us! Lots did in todays session! Our reasons to read part of the lesson assessed what we had read and generated some great discussions about the text. So many of us were eager to voice our opinions about what we had read. Quite a few facts surprised us today and this added to a great book talk session with so much discussion around the text.