Today Mrs Ibbotson played some of the songs from our WW2 play on the piano. We loved singing to them in our music lesson!

Today Mrs Ibbotson played some of the songs from our WW2 play on the piano. We loved singing to them in our music lesson!
Today we looked at a poem linking to WW2. We enjoyed exploring the text today, unpicking language and text marking. Before reading, we looked at the text, thinking about what we noticed. We thought about how the text was laid out, what the pictures were showing and what the text reminded us of. We had some great discussions before we even started reading! We then looked more into the structure and layout, we looked at the title and the stanzas used. We thought about whether all poems have rhyming words and found some examples ourselves. From here we explored each stanzas, unpicking vocabulary and unpicking what the words actually meant. This was a great reading session where everyone was really engaged in the text. Our exit ticket allowed us to share our thoughts on the poem, we thought about if we liked the poem and if it evoked any feelings. We related our thoughts back to our expeditionary learning discussing some of the lessons we have already completed.
Today we consolidated our learning from yesterday by adding money amounts mentally. We then moved onto adding amounts using a written method and found change! We loved visiting Crew MI’s shop, choosing different items we wanted to buy.
Today we wore odd socks to school to celebrate that everyone is unique. We continued to look at the theme of the week- respect and also linked this to kindness. We thought about how we feel when people are kind to us and why it is important to treat other people the way we want to be treated. We then made pledges… To help stop bullying and to show kindness to all people, I pledge… We worked well in mini crews to build our pledges then shared with the whole crew. From here we looked at our activity linking to odd socks day. We worked with our partner to discuss ways in which we are same and ways we are different. We loved this activity and found out more about others. We then thought about how we wanted to showcase our odd socks!
Today we started to think about the theme of the week- respect. We watched different clips to showcase different examples of respect and then discussed the videos in mini crews. We then went onto thinking about what happens when we disagree with someone and what we view conflict to be. We looked at a variety of scenario cards showcasing conflict. We thought about what disrespectful responses would sound like and what respectful responses would look like. In our debrief we thought about why it is important to respect each other, how respect helps in making friends and solving problems and how respect can create a positive school environment. There were some great discussions in Crew MI today and we are looking forward to continuing our discussions tomorrow.
Today we started to explore coins and notes in our maths lesson. We made different money amounts and started to think about how we set out money when adding them together! We are ready to visit Crew MI’s shop tomorrow where we will start to buy different food items 🙂
Today we talked about how a positive attitude is good for our mental health. We talked about what is a happy mind and what a different that can make to our lives. We spoke about what made us happy. We all agreed that when someone else says something positive that then makes the rest of us happy. We worked together to compose a positive statement to share with the crew. We read some some inspirational quotes and decided which one we liked the best- these helped us with our own. We spoke about how some people can struggle with their mental health and how this then can be difficult to feel happy. To help this, we spoke together about what those people could do like talk to a trusted adult.
Yesterday we used a written method for multiplication. We looked at multiplying two and three digit numbers by a one digit number. We even challenged ourselves with some reasoning and problem solving questions 🙂
Yesterday we discussed the reasons why we celebrate bonfire night. We watched and explored a video clip all about Guy Fawkes then discussed our thoughts in mini crews. We then thought about firework safety and the reasons why this is so important. We then applied our learning to a kahoot quiz!
Today we discussed friendships and what friendship means to us. We talked about what makes a good friend and how we make sure we are a good friend to others. We then took part in a task where we had to communicate with others in the crew, finding someone else who likes doing certain things e.g someone who likes dogs, someone who likes pizza. We enjoyed learning more about each other and talking to each other a little more. We then thought more about how we are all good friends and what we do to show this daily.