Wow! What a performance!

It was pleasure to be able to watch the Cheerleading and Acro performance on Thursday afternoon. The children from KS1 and KS2 performed the dances they have been learning during this term in lunchtime clubs.

The performance oozed confidence and the high quality learning that has taken place during these clubs. It was great to see children from previous years perform but also lots of new faces. A massive well done to all involved. They should be very proud of themselves.

Exploring Picasso in MI

Today we continued with with our art slice where we did more research on our artist Pablo Picasso. This added to our work from last week where we carried out some critique on some of Picasso’s pieces of art. We then explored the artwork that we would use as our stimulus for our wooden cookie slice. We unpicked a model then had a go at our first draft using Mrs McClare’s step by step model. We offered critique to our partners first draft then used feedback to have another go. We took part in a gallery walk to observe our peers work, thinking about the sizes and shapes they had used. We then worked again on our own pieces. We are enjoying redrafting our work to make it better.

Magic maths in MI

Lots of consolidation in magic maths today 🙂 We recapped some of the place value learning we had done back at the start of the year along with some problems around perimeter and statistics. Great work MI 🙂

Grammar in MI

Today we discussed cohesion within and between paragraphs. We spent some time unpicking different paragraphs on different extinct animals. We discussed TIDE, where we found the transition/introductory sentence, the we found the development sentences then moving onto the ending sentence. We used highlighters to show these different sections. We then focussed on the Tecopa pupfish again using TIDE to explore the paragraph. From here we grouped our facts into sections which will support us when we write our plot point.

We then moved onto modifying the different verbs in a paragraph with adverbials. We looked at a piece of text, identifying the verb/verb phrase, the subject and the leftovers. We quickly realised that the sentences were very simple and included lots of repetition. From here we used TRaMP yo modify an adverbial, thinking about time, reason, manner and place. We then moved the adverbials around to show different structures. We are looking forward to continuing with this tomorrow.

Challenge crew in MI

Today our crew challenge was rock, paper, scissors! We worked in groups of three, one person recording the score on whiteboards! We then swapped roles. The winners of the group then competed with each other until we had an overall champion 🙂 We loved this challenge! There was a real buzz in the classroom, lots of giggles and smiles and lots of encouragement.

Writing in MI

MI have started their new writing/grammar unit looking at extinct animals. Over the last few days we have been taking part in a series of diagnostic tasks that are allowing us to digest lots of grammar that will be needed when it comes to writing our own non-chronological report. Today we thought about adverbials of time, manner and place along with identifying main and subordinate clauses. We moved our sentences around changing the order of the main and subordinate clause. We have added our anchor charts to our working wall which we will use when we start to write.

Art in MI

We are really enjoying our art case study where we are working hard on our perspective drawing. This is something we have found very challenging however we are all showing great resilience. We have practised some of the skills many times to ensure we get things just right on our final piece.