Exploring circuits lessons 2 and 3

Firstly, we recapped our learning about appliances and played a game to say whether they were electrical and if they were mains or battery powered. We then discussed what a circuit was and the different components which we use to construct a series circuit. In mini-crews, we made circuits and then drew them using symbols. We had great fun exploring what the different components did.

Next, we investigated what happened in complete and incomplete circuits. Using an energy stick, we explored what happened when we all were connected and the stick lit up. This was amazing!

Finally, we looked at pictures of circuits and then predicted if they would work. We then built them and tested them.

Bob Marley discussions in MI

Our crew check in this morning allowed us to choose which Bob Marley song we preferred- Three little birds or Jamming! We enjoyed listening to parts of the songs and explaining our answers. We then moved onto to discussing more on Bob Marley, we looked on google earth at where he lived and explored different pictures. We then explored reggae music in a little more detail, we listened to ‘Hold Em Joe’ and clapped along to the beat. We then explored other famous reggae musicians and songs. We thought about the similarities and differences between the songs and explained our ideas. We then started singing some of the songs by Bob Marley which we all loved 🙂

Maths in MI

Another great lesson on perimeter today 🙂 Our focus was on irregular polygons, finding missing sides then calculating the perimeter. Great resilience shown in todays maths lesson.

Reading in MI

Today we started a new reading text all about our muscles which links nicely to our expedition. We focussed lots on the language being used in the text, really unpicking vocabulary then using the words to make sense of what we were reading. We then focussed on reading the text fluently where we took part in an echo read and scoop and an independent read. Our reasons to read allowed us to explore the text further, really using the text to skim and scan for answers. Our exit ticket really assessed our understanding of the vocabulary. A great lesson MI 🙂

Crew in MI

Today was the start of national storytelling week! Our crew check in allowed us to share our favourite story. We then discussed storytelling in more detail and watched a clip of the first storytelling Laureate, Taft Thomas MBE. Our eyes were glued to the screen through the video clip and we all loved discussing our thoughts afterwards. We discussed storytelling through time and the importance of oral storytelling. From here we thought about what makes a good storyteller, how they make a story exciting and interesting and what the word ‘suspense’ means to us. We thought about our favourite places to read and share a story, some of these being on a bean bag, laid under a tree in the summer, on a chair, laid on our back, in the library and in a quiet space. Mrs McClare discussed her experiences of storytelling when she young and the stories she remembers the most.

When then moved onto looking at Bob Marley in preparation for the world wide sing a long to celebrate Bob Marley’s 80th birthday. We looked at who Bob Marley is and his legacy. At the end of the day we started practising some of his songs, really thinking about the words and what they mean. We loved singing the songs 🙂 We will continue to look at these in our music lesson tomorrow.

Writing continues in MI

Children created some great chotting on Friday with Miss Thompson then used their ideas in a shared write before applying to their own work. Today we all took part in a shared write for the second chunk of PP3 with a real focus on modifying our verbs. We are looking forward to finishing our work on Wednesday.

RE in MI

Today in our RE lesson we considered what makes humans special by exploring beliefs about the soul. We first of all recapped humanism then we watched a video clip ‘What makes me me?’ We paused at different points to answer questions. We then moved onto thinking about the inner soul and the soul. We discussed the two terms and children’s thoughts and feelings on these. We then looked at a variety of quotes on peoples views on the soul and we discussed them in mini crews. We then thought about what our own soul may look like and we had a go at drawing this. We wrote words around our drawing to show what we thought our inner self or soul does. We then took part in a gallery walk where we looked at everyone else’s drawings. We discussed what we saw in mini crews and how our own drawing were similar and different to others.