We really do love our timestable sessions 🙂

We really do love our timestable sessions 🙂
Magic maths allowed us to consolidate our learning on measure where we converted between units before ordering from shortest to longest. The main part of our maths lesson looked at using bar models to find equivalent fractions. We all then moved onto some reasoning and problem solving questions. The problems today proved to be really challenging however children showed great resilience, supporting each other to talk through the problems and showing their working out with a bar model. Great collaborative working MI 🙂
Our PE lesson today kickstarted our basketball unit. We looked at the techniques needed when dribbling and we also thought about space awareness. A great lesson MI 🙂
In expedition, we started our new DT case study by looking at seasonal food and seasonality. We started off by discussing the four different seasons and then we sorted the items into each season. We then looked at which seasons food grew best in. We sorted the pictures based on the seasonality food chart. We found this really interesting and how some fruits and vegetables are in season all year round. We also found it interesting that in winter, less fruit and vegetables are in season.
In our book talk and demo comp lesson this week, we have focussed on a range of comprehension skills. We have used a variety of different lenses such as, trawling for evidence, inference and language. We worked really hard to explain why and use evidence from the text.
In our crew session we continued with our discussions on mental and physical health. We talked about how mental health allows us to feel good about ourselves and also cope with challenges. It allows us to build strong relationships, enjoy life and be more resilient. We discussed that we care for our physical health by eating well and exercising, and how we need to do the same with our mental well-being in the same way. We then listened to some mindful music whilst completing some mindful colouring.
Today in crew we started to explore the significance of being mentally healthy alongside physically healthy. We thought about what it means to be happy, activities that help us to feel good and why we think our feelings are important. We then completed a fitness circuit 🙂 Our debrief allowed to explore what mental health is and reasons why it is important to take care of it. The circuit really did set us up for the day 🙂
Today our magic maths consolidated our knowledge on factors and we also explored tally charts. The activate for our main maths lesson was a recap on equivalent fractions. This really challenged our thinking and there was a lot of great collaborative working where children we really explaining their thought process and how they got their answers. We then moved onto looking at fractions on a number line which we will continue to explore in our next maths lesson.
Today we started to think about how and why some Buddhists meditate relating our discussions back to all our work on spirituality. We listened to part of a clip where we listened to the music. We closed our eyes and sat very still and quiet. We discussed what we thought about whilst listening. We then found out that the clip was called ‘meditation’. We discussed what we already knew about meditation and then children were introduced to the fact that Buddhists use meditation as part of their spirituality. We then watched a clip on Buddhist meditation where we wrote facts onto our white boards then created an anchor chart as a whole crew. We then listened to a variety of Buddhists speaking about a range of different things. We thought about when and how some Buddhists meditate, why they meditate, what might be hard about meditating and what the benefits may be. We then demonstrated our knowledge through an independent activity.
In RE this week, we explored the meaning of spirituality to different people. We first discussed what spirituality means – the connection with inner self, immaterial or no physical things and belief of something beyond yourself – and how that might look for us individually. We then sorted out what we thought were essential and non essential for humans to have. This included things such as a heart, personality, hair, beliefs, love, lungs, feelings, inner self and emotions. This provided a great conversation about where children placed these things and why. We then looked at what spirituality to ourselves. This provided lots of great ideas such as feeling calm, energised, peaceful as well as taking time to go for a walk, do some yoga, focus on our breathing and connecting with friends.