A recap of nouns in MI

Super impressed with our nouns recap today! We played lots of short games to demonstrate our understanding of common, proper, collective and partitive nouns. We showed some great learning really showcasing what we have remembered over the last couple of weeks! I look forward to seeing how well you do tomorrow in your touch down! Great work MI 🙂

Rationing continues in MI

Today we became shop keepers and customers to experience what the rationing process was like during WW2. First of all we looked at what basic rations looked like and the amounts people would get on a weekly basis. We then looked at some of restricted items. We then took on the role as shop keeper and customer, using our rationing book and coupons inside. We had to make sure we queued then the shop keeper stamped our rationing books when we had purchased our weekly and monthly items. We soon realised that shops sold out of things very quickly and we had to barter with our peers in order to get some of the items we really wanted!

Demo comprehension in MI

Such a fantastic reading lesson today 🙂 Our entry ticket allowed us to think about what the main character was thinking and saying based on part of the text. We worked with our partner to create speech bubbles and thought bubbles to show this. Next we unpicked our new vocabulary and text marked this as we read. We used a partner read first, followed by an echo read and independent read. We discussed the text as we read, making inferences for parts of the story. We then moved onto our demonstration comprehension. Some great contributions for this, where we used the text really well to find answers. Our exit ticket allowed us to order the story and show our understanding of the text.

Art begins in Crew MI

During hook week, we began to look at our artwork which will make up part of our final product. We researched our artist, who is inspiring our artwork, Henry Moore. We critiqued some of his artwork which was inspired by the Blitz in WW2 down in the London Underground. We discussed perspective, vanishing point and how to draw trees and buildings in line.

Caring crew in MI

Today we started to talk about who is in our family, the people who love us and why our families make us safe. First of all we played a game standing in a circle. We changed places with others in the circle based on criteria eg. If we have a brother, sister, a dog, a pet. We enjoyed seeing who shared similar family members. We then looked at a series of pictures and thought about what we notice about the pictures, what is the same and what is different. This allowed for some great discussions. We then discussed our families in more detail, describing them, talking about what they do and what they like. Our debrief allowed us to think about our job within our families. We talked about being kind and showing respect. We then discussed our school crew and how our jobs within the crew are very similar. Some great discussions today MI 🙂

Partitioning in MI

Our entry ticket consolidated our learning when writing numbers in words and with digits. Our main learning was looking at 4 digit numbers with lots of practise around partitioning. We even managed to challenge ourselves further working on different problem solving and reasoning questions too. A great lesson MI 🙂

Expeditionary learning in MI

Today we learnt about the different organisations and people who contributed to the war effort. Our main activity allowed us to take part in an interview where we asked each other questions about the role card we had read about. Some children then performed their interview in front of the whole crew! We then shared the different role cards as a whole crew, learning about each person individually.

Book talk in MI

Our entry ticket today allowed us to recap the vocabulary we had unpicked and worked on over the last few sessions. We worked well in mini crews to read each definition together and match to the correct word. From here we looked at our new vocabulary before text marking in the text as we read. We used a partner read, independent read and echo read today. We also used timers to practise the speed of our reading. We are becoming more confident with this. Our reasons to read helped us to reflect on what we had read and to ensure we had understood the story so far. We made predictions in our exit ticket and are all excited to know what happens next in the story!

Music composition in MI

Today we used the knowledge we have gained so far on The Blitz to compose a composition of music with different instruments. We then looked at how we can show different beats and started to layer the different parts of our composition. We worked so well in mini crews, encouraging each other and ensuring everyone was involved. Then we all performed our composition to the whole crew 🙂 A great afternoon in MI 🙂