In Y6 our text this half term in One Thousand and One Arabian Nights. We have thoroughly enjoyed reading this text so far and are invested in the story plot.
In our recent demonstration comprehension lesson, we thought back to what we read last lesson using connections or what we’ve already read, explained why we thought that. Before we started reading today we went back to our own targets when reading aloud. We recapped that fluency is the ability to read, write or speak at a comfortable pace without undue hesitation which could impact on meaning or understanding. We explained why punctuation is important – builds fluency with appropriate pauses and breaths – if you stop in the right places, the text makes more sense. Also, Intonation is the rising a lowering of our pitch. It helps us not to sound like a robot and can support meaning. For example, our voices should raise when we are asking a question – it’s how we can identify questions without question marks when we talk to other people. it’s important to learn what it is and how to use it properly to help our reading and comprehension. If we don’t know how to pronounce a word, we can check if it’s a proper noun (do we need to pronounce it correctly?), segment and blend the sounds (does it follow a spelling rule), try to recognise any prefixes/suffixes/root words that we recognise how to pronounce or simply ask a buddy. Lastly we looked at reading with expression means reading aloud with feeling.