Pink team had an amazing sports day on Thursday, despite the incredibly windy conditions! A fantastic team with lots of teamwork and support on display – well done Team Pink!

Pink team had an amazing sports day on Thursday, despite the incredibly windy conditions! A fantastic team with lots of teamwork and support on display – well done Team Pink!
Well done to Crew Blue for working collaboratively to gain as many points as possible to win sports day! We worked well as a crew and everyone tried their best, it was a pleasure to see the children have so much fun! Well done everyone!
We have loved our second activity of sports week today, which was glow in the dark dodgeball. We were even better this time!
This morning we loved our circuit training with Becky, we did star jumps, mountain climbers, push ups and spotty dogs.
What a fantastic way to kick start our sport week with a GB Freestyler Kayaker! Becky Green inspired children this morning with her passion for kayaking, at such a young age she has achieved so much! Our children practised some key skills and exercises to get their bodies moving.
Today we applied our money knowledge to purchase something in Miss Marsh’s shop. We had to have the exact amount to buy.
In maths we have started our last topic of money and today we have recognised and named all of the coins and notes in the UK.
Today, we were very lucky to take part in a wonderful experience brought to us by M&M productions, The Jungle Book. Many of us knew the story of Mowgli and it was fantastic to see the story brought to life!
Today in our experience lesson, we each took it in turns to throw the chapatti as far as we could. We then ran and put our bean bag down as a marker to see who through the chapatti furthest like a frisbee.
Because Y1 have worked so hard in our phonics screening tests, we got a great treat and got to go to the park! Miss Welburn also kindly brought us in some sweets.