Today, we were able to have a chat with an expert about our current expedition. A mental health nurse came to talk to us about mental health and their role in looking after people’s mental health. We learnt more about what our mental health is and why it is important to look after it. This linked to our expedition because if we have a healthy lifestyle, it is easier to enjoy stronger mental health. We looked at how connecting with others, being present in the moment, keeping active, helping others and keeping our minds learning new things are all strategies that we can do to avoid negative mental health concerns. Our expert told us about the network we have around us that we can turn to if we need and pointed out that a lot of what can affect our mental health is often beyond our circle of control. We even got chance to ask some of our own questions about mental health and the type of work that he has seen.
Ultimately, the best way that we can keep mentally healthy is by understanding our own mental health and not being afraid to talk to someone if things start to feel too much for us – it’s normal for people to need help!
In expedition, we have been learning all about our blood – its purpose and how it is made. We’ve written about it, drawn it and discussed it (as well as acted it out). We enjoyed the Kahoot! we completed to consolidate all of our learning.
In writing, we have been creating diary entries from the perspective of Cam through the events of Pig Heart Boy. We are enjoying this and had the opportunity to mark our peer’s work, which was a great way to help us identify the features of good writing (and to magpie each other’s great ideas)! Hopefully this will make the remaining plot points easier to write so we can show off the progress that we have made.
In reading, we have been looking at Pig Heart Boy. In this session, we considered why mum and dad were arguing and which side of the debate we fell on. We then looked at how Dr. Bryce added to discussion and thought about the pros and cons of the procedure. This culminated with us having a conscience alley, to try and predict which side Cam would favour.
It’s been a busy week for us this week but don’t just take my word for it! Here’s what the crew thinks of it…
This week, we have started writing diary entries based on our anchor text, Pig Heart Boy. We’ve enjoyed the experience days. To help us understand the main character, Cam, we acted out some freeze frames from the book and tried to guess which part of the story each group had chosen.
Following this, we were in a position to start our writing. To help build our ideas, we completed a silent conversation so we could “all talk at once” and show our creative side! It’s much easier writing when we can magpie the best ideas.
All this planning opportunity has really helped us with our first plot point and we enjoyed being able to share what we’d written with our friends. Keep an eye out for our published work when we finish them!
TGIF! What a way to end the week (although the cleaners might disagree). Thank you to the parents that were able to join us for our own merging of Ready, Steady, Cook and Funhouse!
The task was simple: bake cookies. The outcome was over two hundred baked cookies, some questionable stains on the carpets and an engaging, hands-on afternoon. It was great to see everyone (even the parents) getting involved and better to see the awesome collaboration between the whole crew not only to make sure everyone could make cookies but also to share out the ones that were ready before the end of the day. We may just have some future Bake-Off candidates lurking in our midst! If all this wasn’t enough, the blind food-tasting was also a great way to show how much of our food preferences come down to our vision and what a food “looks like” rather than its taste or benefits.
A final word from the parents. Have a great weekend!
On Monday afternoon, we used the Children’s University of Manchester to develop our knowledge of the Ancient Egyptians whilst improving our digital literacy. This was really interesting and we learnt loads of new things (some of us even wanted to read up more about what we’d looked at on Myon)!
On Thursday, we recapped some of our learning from last year with a Kahoot! Quiz. We then started to connect this to newer learning and explored skeletons and their function. We then drew round some of our crew and thought about which bones would be where to create our own anchor charts. In the afternoon we got to the best bit. We watched a heart dissection and got to feel the difference between a healthy heart and one with a large amount of fat build-up. It was amazing seeing the different sections, the tendons and the blood vessels…even if it wasn’t for everyone!