We’ve ABSOLUTELY had an amazing couple of days celebrating Easter, starting with retelling the Easter story. Dominic had so much knowledge about Christianity!
We then took part in our Easter bonnet parade, we had some amazing creations which the children had worked so hard on. Such hard worked paid off because the Easter Bunny heard and paid us a visit today, we had to solve the clues to find our treats. Luckily, he didn’t out smart us!
What a lovely afternoon KS1 have had, we have enjoyed a lovely afternoon with our families at the carcroft cafe showing off all of our cutting skills and sharing food.
We ended our lunch with decorating some easter biscuits.🐰
In xp outdoors crew Godley did the animal movement dice . They rolled the dice and did what it said, so they moved like a snake. flapped there arms like an owl , stomped their feet like an elephant and moved like a ladybird.
With the lovely sunshine we’ve been having, it was an ideal time to explore shadows and how they are formed. In Crew we had a challenge – to form ‘friendly shadows’ 👥👥 It was great fun to debrief watching the clouds move quickly by 🌤️
Crew Godley have been perfecting their scooter skills, Evie was super speedy around the course!
today in xp outdoors the children were doing wool leaves. They found this a bit tricky but kept going which made me free proud.Well done Crew Godley.
Crew Godley have been working hard to produce beautiful work, thinking carefully about pencil grip, posture, writing on the line and finger spaces.
Crew Godley loved to make the caterpillars and then watch them wiggle in the water.
We have been practising our cutting skills whilst making a couscous salad. Michael has blown us away with his culinary skills 👨🍳