Carcroft Newsflash! 📰🌍🧑‍🏫

This week in Crew FE we have been writing a broadcasting script about the recent devastating earthquakes in Syria and Turkey, linked to our current Expedition, Earth Shattering Events, What happens when nature strikes? Today the children had the opportunity to perform these in front of a green screen. I was blown away with children’s fluency and expression skills as well as their ability to follow stage directions whilst reading!

Click here to view our performances!

Teacher Swap! 🧑‍🏫🔄

This afternoon, many of our teachers had the opportunity to swap classes so that they could share some of their favourite stories with another crew! The children absolutely loved having a different teacher, listening to stories and exploring their own imagination! It was lovely to pop into crews and see the real love for reading taking place as well as children’s thirst for reading. The fact that in some crews children were wanting to read more books by particular authors because they enjoyed it so much, and that other children wanted to read the book again or finish it, was fab! Hopefully next year we can do much more of this and maybe we can get some of our grown ups from home to come in too!

Fun in the sun! ☀️

We’ve had lots of fun in the sunshine this week in Crew Welburn! We’ve made slides for dinosaurs, transported water using pipes and funnels, and even splashed our feet in our make shift paddling pools to cool off! The children are really developing their independence, curiosity and team work this week, and are working well together to explore how different things work – it is lovely to stand back and watch them forming strong friendships with each other!

The children have also been enjoying indoor provision, and are still excited by our story, Little Red Riding Hood. We spotted a wolf in school last night, so Leon decided to dress up as the Woodcutter to scare him away, and some of the boy and girls even made up a song to scare him off! We hope he doesn’t come back!

Sharing our expedition in reception

We loved having the opportunity to welcome our parents into the classroom this afternoon, and to share our learning journey so far with them! Our children spoke about their expedition, ‘We’re on the move!’ to their parents and shared everything they have learnt so far. The children were really proud of their learning and loved having the opportunity to show this off to their parents 🚗

Sharing our Expeditionary learning in LKS2 🌋⛰🌧🌍📖

This afternoon we welcomed lots of our grown ups into school to show them our current extraordinary expedition work, ‘Earth Shattering Events’, ‘What happens when nature strikes?’. We enjoyed sharing the work that we completed during Hook Week (making a volcano, earthquake simulation, walking through water and Earth Day celebrations!), as well as the Science (rocks and soils) and Geography (mountains) coverage from Case Study One.

We also got the opportunity to share our fabulous writing including our Lava recount and our broadcasting scripts.

Thank you to all of the grown ups (and newborn babies!) who came to share their child/rens learning this afternoon. It was lovely to see how proud the children were of the beautiful work that they have been producing.

We look forward to sharing the rest of our learning with you all in July at our COL Event on Wednesday 12th July! We hope to see you then! 😁

Feature Finding! 🔍🕵📖📝✏

This morning as part of our Expedition/The Write Stuff learning in Crew FE, we looked at the features of scripts. These included, a title, setting the scene, a list of people, a list of props, stage directions, a new line for a new speaker and the names written on the left, as well as a range of punctuation including brackets, colons and bullet points. We also discussed the audience and purpose of scripts. Next week, we are going to be writing our own broadcasting script informing others of the catastrophic earthquakes that occurred in Syria and Turkey earlier this year as part of our Expeditionary learning, ‘Earth Shattering Events’, ‘What happens when nature strikes?’. We will also hopefully be performing and recording these using a green screen at the end of the week, and hope to share these as part of our COL event later in the term! 📽

From cloud watchers to weather reporters

We have extended our knowledge from watching and identifying clouds, to making a weather report of our own. We did some research online, watched our local weather reports and then made a draft copy. We then critiqued our draft and made changes to create a final piece which some of us enjoyed filming. I think we may have some future weather reporters in Crew Robson ☀️❄️🌈☔️