Pyjamarama Day – Crew Thompson💤

What a great, fun filled Friday we have had in Crew Thompson today celebrating pyjamarama day! 🤩

After break, we visited Starbooks! ☕🧋 We got to choose a drink off the menu and sit down to read a book! It was lovely to see the children enjoying the book and read for pleasure. They even got to review the book and say whether they would recommend it or not!

Before lunch, we completed a kahoot quiz which is something our crew really enjoy doing. We had one that tested our knowledge on a range of books we have read and spoken about!

After lunch, we read a story called “A Monster’s Surprise”. We choose some characters to put in the hot seat and ask a few questions! We also did some freeze frames to show the different parts of the story.

After all our hard work, we went outside to read our class shared read with an ice lolly! 🍦 We loved sitting in the shade and listening to Miss Lee read Charlie and the Chocolate factory … we are just getting to the good bit! 📖