Today we started to think about the theme of the week- respect. We watched different clips to showcase different examples of respect and then discussed the videos in mini crews. We then went onto thinking about what happens when we disagree with someone and what we view conflict to be. We looked at a variety of scenario cards showcasing conflict. We thought about what disrespectful responses would sound like and what respectful responses would look like. In our debrief we thought about why it is important to respect each other, how respect helps in making friends and solving problems and how respect can create a positive school environment. There were some great discussions in Crew MI today and we are looking forward to continuing our discussions tomorrow.
Maths week starts in MI
Today we started to explore coins and notes in our maths lesson. We made different money amounts and started to think about how we set out money when adding them together! We are ready to visit Crew MI’s shop tomorrow where we will start to buy different food items 🙂
Experience Lesson – Little Red Riding Hood
We were so excited for our experience lesson today.
We began by making baskets to deliver our freshly baked cupcakes to grandmas house.
We then set off to walk through the woods towards grandmas house.
In the woods we spotted a scary looking wolf lurking in the trees!
Finally we made it to grandmas house but there was something different about her today!
Enjoying our new classroom and our first week back after half term!
Crew McGlone were very excited to explore their new classroom after half term. They have really enjoyed getting to know where our resources are kept and the areas we have in our new room.
Whilst we were enjoying our half term holiday, the season definitely changed and we noticed LOTS more golden, crunchy leaves had fallen off the trees in our outdoor area. We loved playing with our friends in Crew F2 and we worked together to collect them up and create big piles for us to play in. We even found some mini-beasts and insects!
Single-clause sentences – Leftovers
Towards the end of this week, we have taken our knowledge of single-clause sentences to the next step by working with ‘leftovers’ – extra information in the sentence that is neither a subject nor a verb. We still had to follow our script in order to identify our verb, followed by our subject but we realised that once we had done this, there was extra words that we hadn’t labelled. We then had to decide which clause these ‘leftovers’ belonged to. Once we’d done this, we could ask ourselves when our subject had stopped doing or being in order to identify the end of the clause. Once we knew we’d got a full, independent clause with a subject and a verb, we were able to add our full stops and capital letters.
After we had done this, we then looked at what these types of single-clause sentences would look like with ‘to be’ verbs, instead of action verbs and repeated the same steps as before.
Reading in Crew Hamill
After having a heavy focus on retrieval skills during Autumn 1, Crew Hamill have shifted their focus this half term and begun looking at inference skills – using clues from the text in order to provide an appropriate answer that is backed up with evidence from the text. To help us with this, we began by taking part in a hot seating activity in which we worked in mini crews to create questions that we would like to ask the main character of our story. One person then pretended to be this character and attempted to answer the questions, using what they knew from the text as support.
Following this, we then looked at some demonstration comprehension questions that we again focused on our inference skills. After working through how to answer this style of question with Miss Hamill on the board, we were given three questions of our own and three matching answers. We had to work in mini crews to match the question to it’s correct answer, using what we knew from the text to support us with this.
Single-clause sentences – Pronouns
Following our success of identifying single clause sentences, we moved on to look at what these may look like with pronouns. We worked in pairs to identify repeated words within two sentences that follow on from each other, discussing which pronouns we could use instead, to avoid repetition. We then used this knowledge to follow our script in order to identify verbs and subjects and then add in full stops and capital letters once we were sure we had two full, independent clauses with a subject and a verb.
Positive Vibes on a Friday in Crew MI
Today we talked about how a positive attitude is good for our mental health. We talked about what is a happy mind and what a different that can make to our lives. We spoke about what made us happy. We all agreed that when someone else says something positive that then makes the rest of us happy. We worked together to compose a positive statement to share with the crew. We read some some inspirational quotes and decided which one we liked the best- these helped us with our own. We spoke about how some people can struggle with their mental health and how this then can be difficult to feel happy. To help this, we spoke together about what those people could do like talk to a trusted adult.
Sharing our Stories: 08/11/2024
Beautiful Work This Week
Jeff Tech High
This October half term, 9 members of staff from across XP Trust travelled to San Diego to work with the best project based learning teacher in the world – Jeff Robin. Each teacher brought with them a personally crafted exemplar – a tangible product of their passion and planning – to refine and inspire transformative future Expeditions.
Inspired by Jeff’s groundbreaking work at High Tech High, the school that inspired XP, they sought to elevate their teaching through creativity, activism, and lasting legacy. Away from the familiar, they embraced new ideas in a setting that ignited their imagination…
Stay tuned for the full length documentary and story of Jeff Tech High…
Green Top’s new Sensory Room!
Stay & Play at Carcroft!
Open Day @ Norton Infants
Top of the Blogs
Crew White Supports the Eve Merton Trust @ XP East
Share your stories with us!
Reading in Crew Godley
I have been so impressed with the children’s resilience with reading this week. We have achieved level gaming and improved our comprehension skills. Leon and Oliver have been working hard in RWI and applying this when reading speedy green words. Great work, Crew Godley!