Our Guitar Lessons !

Today in Crew Wilkinson, we had an awesome guitar lesson, and we’re excited to share. Some students loved learning a new chord, while others enjoyed strumming along to a song.It was exciting to hear music come to life!

Equivalent Fraction Families

To bring our unit on fractions to a close, we have been exploring equivalent fractions and identifying as many families as we can. To begin with, we created our own fractions walls and then used these to follow the lines to help identify which fractions were the same (of equal value). We then realised that we could use our times table knowledge to support with this and created some fraction flowers using this skill.

Book Talk and Increasing Fluency

This week, we have been focusing on a new book by Marcus Rashford called “You Can Do It”. We started the week by looking at the front cover and the blurb and pulling apart as much information as we could from what we could see and read. This helped us to understand a little bit more about what the book was about before we began to read any of it. Lots of us thought it might be a book about football due to the fact he is such a famous footballer. However, after reading the blurb, we were surprised to discover that it is actually about injustice and the injustices he has experienced first hand. Following this, we have pulled out a summary section on the first chapter and identified tricky vocabulary, making sure we can read all of these words and understand what they mean to support with our fluency. We also looked at our automaticity words and challenged a partner to read these automatically in a random order. We have then taken part in echo reading alongside our teacher and had another go at our words per minute challenge to see how close we are to the year 6 expected standard of 185 words per minute.

Changes in History

Today, Crew Hamill continued their history case study by exploring how life has changed since the early 20th Century. We used various sources of evidence to answer a number of questions in mini crews, focusing on how schools, housing and women’s rights have changed over the last century. We were shocked to see how different things were for the wealthy compared to the poor!

Challenge Crew

In today’s challenge crew, Crew Hamill had to work as a team to pass a beach ball around crew circle without using their hands. After a few troubleshooting ideas, they first decided to use their elbows and this was successful! After this, they were challenged to find another way. They tried with their knees but found this much trickier and ended up using their feet.

Bob Marley discussions in MI

Our crew check in this morning allowed us to choose which Bob Marley song we preferred- Three little birds or Jamming! We enjoyed listening to parts of the songs and explaining our answers. We then moved onto to discussing more on Bob Marley, we looked on google earth at where he lived and explored different pictures. We then explored reggae music in a little more detail, we listened to ‘Hold Em Joe’ and clapped along to the beat. We then explored other famous reggae musicians and songs. We thought about the similarities and differences between the songs and explained our ideas. We then started singing some of the songs by Bob Marley which we all loved 🙂


Today in PE, we worked on our stance, (a stance is the way you place your feet and load your body weight before you hit the ball.) Then we recapped on our forehand and backhand skills from last lesson. All of Crew Wilkinson had so much fun!

Maths in MI

Another great lesson on perimeter today 🙂 Our focus was on irregular polygons, finding missing sides then calculating the perimeter. Great resilience shown in todays maths lesson.

Reading in MI

Today we started a new reading text all about our muscles which links nicely to our expedition. We focussed lots on the language being used in the text, really unpicking vocabulary then using the words to make sense of what we were reading. We then focussed on reading the text fluently where we took part in an echo read and scoop and an independent read. Our reasons to read allowed us to explore the text further, really using the text to skim and scan for answers. Our exit ticket really assessed our understanding of the vocabulary. A great lesson MI 🙂