Crew Hamill were inspired by last week’s TTRS battle for NSPCC in which they came first in the school and earned themselves some scooter reward time. Since then, we’ve worked hard to improve our times tables and have tried our best to improve our heat maps. We’re excited to see if we can use our new times table knowledge to beat Mrs Ibbotson in today’s times table battle!
At the end of last week, Crew Hamill had lots of fun listening to the Bob Marley sing a long in celebration of his 80th Birthday. We loved listening to all of his songs!
This morning in Crew we were set a challenge to line up with a predetermined characteristic but we weren’t allowed to speak. We had to order ourselves in height, shoe size and hair length. We worked in 2 groups which worked very differently. One group had 2 children who took a lead and directed the rest of the children with hand signals or guiding them to where they needed to be. The other group figured it out between them and didn’t have anyone that appeared to be leading the rest of them, however, both groups were successful.
In reading yesterday, we focused on our reading fluency and reading with expression. Miss Shields did an echo read to model how to read with expression then the children worked in small groups to work on a small section together. They had some time to practice before performing to the rest of the class. I was very impressed with how quickly they picked it up.
In our reading lesson today, we tackled reading an unseen text and used some important reading strategies ( skimming and scanning, highlighting key information, vocabulary and context clues, making inferences and summarising what we have read ), to help us answer the questions.
This was a lovely session as it was great to hear the children discussing their views on a soul and what they think it is responsible for. One child was a little shy about sharing how they believe God is responsible for our soul but we encouraged them to be proud of their beliefs. Children then drew what they thought a soul looked like which was really interesting.
In writing on Friday, we learned about subordinate conjunctions and how they add further information to the main clause. We learned I SAW A WABUB to help us remember the subordinate conjunctions. Then we worked in pairs to experiment with the position of the subordinate clause. We realised that the subordinate clause can either be at the start or end of the sentence. However, if it is at the start of the sentence, we must remember to use a comma to separate the main clause and the subordinate clause.
On Friday, we celebrated the birthday of Bob Marley by singing a melody of his songs. What a wonderful way to start the day. It was lovely to see the children singing along and some of them starting to move with the music.